More Shock and a Party

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Sans tossed and turned in bed. His bones felt hot and sweaty and they hurt. Oh dear lord did they hurt, it had felt. This had been going on for a few days now, and it was just getting worse and worse as time had gone on. Even when he had bought Frisk her gift, he had felt it but at least that was a little more tolerable. Now? It was unbearable and it made him feel like he was being ripped apart at this point.

Rolling over in bed, Sans let out a breathy groan, trying to curl up in on himself, hoping that would help lessen the pain. Really? It just made it worse for him it seemed. Breathing deeply, the skeleton tried to sleep through the pain, it just felt like everything was against him trying to sleep. First the nightmares and then this.

Tightly gripping at his pillow, Sans tried to sleep through this terrible, awful pain but he wasn't able to sleep through it as much as he had wanted to.

Soon, a ringing was heard, causing him to groan a little as he reached over to grab his phone. Like he does every morning whenever he wanted to check what he always checked upon to make sure he knew where he had planned to go with his cart or other important matters. Though there was one thing that surprised him.

His hand reached far over his nightstand, missing his phone completely.

"What the?" Sans said sleepily as he opened his sockets and blinked his eyes trying to clear his vision. The thing that surprised him was that well, for one his arm seemed longer. "What?" Sans said before pushing himself up as best as he could without hurting himself more. The pain still persisted even as he tried to push himself up but he ignored it to the best of his abilities.

Breathing deeply, he managed to get out of bed and made his way over toward the full length mirror that he had kept in his bedroom. (Mostly for Frisk's use when she stayed the night and she was getting herself ready for the day before leaving) The skeleton stared at himself in shock, sockets widening as he stared at his reflection.

His shirt looked like it had shrunken on him, as had his shorts though he knew for a fact that that was far from the truth.

No, the skeleton knew that he was at best, half the size of the mirror, but now? He nearly reached the top of the mirror and there was no way that this should be possible. There was no way that he should have been able to have had any kind of growth spurt in the least. It just didn't seem possible to him and yet not? There was the proof in the mirror, staring back at him in the long run.

His reaction?


"SANS?!" shouted his brother, the sound of footsteps echoed in his skull, alerting him that his brother was running up the stairs. The sound of his phone ringing still hit him, yet he ignored it for the time being. Whoever it was, they could leave a message for him if it was important enough.

"BROTHER? ARE YOU ALRGIHT?" asked Papyrus as he opened the door, only for a gasp to escape him. "SANS, HOW DID YOU GET TALLER?" Papyrus said as he walked into the room and reached his brother. The once shorter skeleton looked over at his brother, noticing that he was maybe a few centimeters shorter than his brother.

"Paps?" Sans whispered softly, still in shock over what was happening to him. He shook and trembled, his pain forgotten for the time being. "Go... go get the measuring tape." Papyrus looked like he didn't want to leave his brother alone like this. Though, the younger brother slowly nodded his head before he ran off to get what his brother had asked of him.

The skeleton couldn't help but just keep staring, his body still trembling as he stared at himself. The lights even faded from his sockets as he couldn't help but stare at himself. Sure, he had always wanted to be taller, but he had given up once he was sure his growing days were over and done with. Hell, he had accepted that he'd be the short older brother while Paps was the taller younger brother.

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