"What was that?" "Nothing Important

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Since he got home, all the skeleton could do was pace back and forth. When he wasn't asleep, he was pacing back and forth. Personally he looked like he was in deep thought, as if he was trying to find the secrets to the universe to all of the world's troubles.

But really?

He was internally freaking out and panicking.

'Is it a date? Or was she just saying that? What are we to do? What does she expect to happen?' Sans thought to himself as he was trying to figure out what he was to do.

Honestly, this was something that he had wanted for a while now. At least since he realized that he had feelings for the human, and of course once she was of mature age. There was no way that he would... ugh, he shivers thinking about that. Jeez, that just sounded really creepy even without saying it out loud.

Shaking his head, the skeleton knew that he had to keep himself calm. Too much excitement or panic wasn't good for him in his state. If that was to happen, then there was a good chance that he would end up transforming into that beast form of his, and he had no idea how to control it, nor how to get out of the form itself. So far, it had seemed that his beast form would always return to his room, without alerting Papyrus about the form it seemed as he would end up just knocking on his older brother's door by morning.

The older skeleton, of course would have already reverted by then.

Everything was just closing in on him it felt like, and he wasn't sure how it would work out for him. It just seemed as if the whole world was against him in some way and that was what bothered him. Sure, he would have had a chance with Frisk before this whole 'beast' thing came about but now? He felt like it would never happen. Letting out a soft sigh, the young monster covered his face as he tried to think on what he was to do.

Then of course, his mind went back to the whole 'date' thing that Frisk had decided to bring up. Suggest? He wasn't sure, and he didn't even know if it was a date or just a damn suggestion. Shaking his head, the young monster laid on his bed as he tried to relax. Maybe it was best to just not go on this date?

But then again, this was something that he has wanted for a while. Now that he was given this chance? He felt like there was just no chance. Sans knew that this was due to the beast that now dwells within him and that was going to be a bit of a risk. Though, would it be a risk with the watch that the skeleton possessed? It would alert him when his magic would go wild.

Covering his face with a groan, the young monster knew that this was just going to keep driving him mad at this point. It was just going to keep going on and on till finally he lost control over himself and then bam. He would most likely transform and hurt someone or worse hurt Frisk. That was something that he didn't want and knew that he couldn't allow that to happen.

Taking a deep breath, the skeleton pushed himself up from his bed before making his way over to his phone. Maybe it was best to cancel on Frisk, there was just no way that he could handle this. The thought of hurting her? Of hurting anyone? It made his SOUL thump painfully within his chest. Closing his sockets for a moment, the monster opened them again as he was about to dial her number.

Only for Frisk to be calling him.

Yelping, he nearly dropped his phone from the sight of Frisk's name on his phone, as well as the ringtone he had assigned to her. Gulping, he stared at the phone for a moment before taking a deep breath, trying to get himself to relax before he went to accept the call. His finger froze over the accept call button. Unsure as to what he was to do. What he could do, or should do. He just wasn't sure if this was something that he should accept.

The fear of hurting Frisk was still there, and it made Sans nervous. Thinking that he would hurt or worse, kill her. Tightly shutting his sockets, the skeleton took a deep breath, hoping to calm himself. Unsure if he would be able to do such a thing. Though before he knew it, he could hear a soft "Hello? Sans?"

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