Pain and Fear

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When Sans had arrived to the party, he had thought that it would have been nothing but awkward more than anything else. Yet, Frisk had brought him a great sense of comfort. It was something that he had no idea would have been possible, yet once again he had been proven wrong once again. The skeleton couldn't help but look around the room. A few people had stuck around to help clean up, not wanting Frisk to clean up on her birthday.

Papyrus is one of the people who of course went to help clean up.

Sans on the other hand, had decided to stick around with Frisk to keep the birthday girl company. They had started to watch a movie that Frisk had wanted to watch for a while. Something about a girl being spirited away or something to a different world and having to save her parents from some kind of curse? He didn't know, honestly, he wasn't really following the movie.

Though honestly, it gave him some kind of time to think about everything that had happened.

His height, having been a concern and a shock when everyone saw him it had at least gotten easier when Frisk told them to just enjoy the party. For that, he had been grateful, yet at the same time he wasn't sure what was going with him at all. It had felt like there was some kind of unknown force, making him change who he was for some kind of greater purpose.

Whatever that kind of purpose was, he didn't know and that was one of the things that terrified him. That, and the fact that it was as if his personality was being erased from him and that was another thing that scared him. It just seemed as if his entire life was being wiped, the way he had lived till now was changing and it was something that would have given him a panic attack if he hadn't had things that kept him grounded for the most part.

First it just started out as him being protective, or at least more so than usual. That was something that he could live with, something that he could accept. Yet, when it was only growing worse? Along with the aggression? Then of course his fangs getting sharper that he could easily rip through someone's flesh? That was something that freaked him out, then the fact that he had almost killed someone?

Not just that, but that he was having a thrill at the idea of such a thing happening? That he was enjoying their pain while he was beating the shit out of them? That was something that made him nervous, nervous that it would happen once again.

Turning his gaze over to Frisk, he then thought about how he was even starting to develop stronger feelings for the human next to him. It was something that he was sure his brother had discovered at this since Sans hadn't had an easy time trying to keep it hidden from his younger brother. Even now, he's struggling to keep his own feelings hidden though so far it seemed that the only one that wasn't aware...

Was the one that he loved.

Taking a deep breath, sans turned his gaze away from Frisk and looked back at the TV. Noticing that it was at the scene where the girl was leaving some kind of... cottage? When she was outside she saw something before yelling out a name. Rushing to the dragon that stood outside and purred as she nuzzled his head.

Was Frisk into this kind of stuff?

Tilting his head, the skeleton crossed his arms while staring at the TV. The movie was nearing its end, yet unfortunately it couldn't take his thoughts off of his problems.

It wasn't just the fact that his personality was starting to get out of whack, at least not overly so to the point that people were shocked out of their wits, but, enough to be noticed. But it was the fact that his body still ached after his growth spurt. It had been fine for the most part, but throughout the day, it just seemed that much like it had for days, the pain was still persistent. Much like his panics.

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