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Frisk sighed as she rolled over in her bed. It had been nearly three years since the barrier shattered. The village that the monsters had started to build had started to come around. There were houses, businesses, and a school that would accept both humans and monsters. It was still a ways away from being complete though, and it was still taking its time with the humans from the next city over from accepting monsters.

But, they were still making progress at the very least.

Though there was still one thing that was nagging her. It was Sans, he still hadn't explained to her on how he hadn't lost any health from the blast of the shattering of the barrier. How he was trembling as if he was in pain during that time, claiming it was shock. Sure, shock could play a role but not in him not losing any health.

Even Papyrus couldn't get an answer out of his older brother and that was what concerned her. What if he was trying to hide what he was feeling again?

Was he still afraid that she would restart to the point before the barrier shattered so he wouldn't be going through this?

Letting out a soft sigh, the young woman, pushed herself up from her bed and made her way over to her dresser. Maybe she should go check up on her friend. It could be possible that she would be able to get an answer out of him right? There had to be a way to get an answer out of him... right?

Rubbing at her face, the teenager went through her dresser before settling on a blue muscle shirt and a pair of shorts with black tights. Smiling at her choice for clothes, Frisk started to make her way down the stairs after leaving her bedroom. It was the weekend, so she didn't have to worry about school for the time being. The only thing that was really going on in the first place was that everyone was thinking about what high school they wanted to go to.

For her? Well, it didn't matter so long as she could go to a high school that would accept monsters. Most of her friends at this point were monsters and she was happy. She... preferred monsters anyway compared to most humans. After the pain she had gone through in her home city she didn't really want to deal with any of them even though she knew that she couldn't hold that against all of humanity at the moment.

Maybe someday she'll overcome her problem with humans, but for now she had to focus on her studies more than anything.

"Ah Frisk!" called a woman's voice, causing the teen to look into the kitchen. Not having been aware that she had already made her way into the kitchen. Looking up, it was the woman that had taken her in when she first entered the Underground. The large goat monster, the ex-queen Toriel. Or, better known as Tori to others.

"Hey mom, what's for breakfast today?" asked Frisk with a smile on her face.

"Bacon and eggs. It's still so strange about human food but, it's still rather amazing." Tori said with a smile on her fuzzy face.

Giggling, Frisk took a seat as she started to cut into her eggs as she ate. "So, what are you up to today Frisk?" asked Tori.

Blinking her blue eyes, Frisk swallowed before telling her mother that she was planning to go and see a few friends today. Maybe even see if Sans was okay.

"Hm, understandable. He has been rather odd since the barrier broke." Tori said with a frown, just as concerned for her friend as Frisk was. The goat monster sighed softly before rubbing her cheek, a frown on her face as she tried to think of an idea. "He is rather secretive over everything in his life for the most part. Maybe Papyrus knows?"

"I doubt it." Frisk said with a sigh before lowering her gaze for a brief moment.

Tori patted her adopted daughter's hand, causing the teen to look up in worry. "I'm sure he'll tell you when he's ready. For now, maybe it is best to just keep an eye on him. Make sure that he doesn't have any problems in the future. If he does, bring him to me okay? Maybe I can take a look or even have Alphys take a look."

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