Miyu did not enlighten her when Sakuno asked why they would go if it was Sakuno's idea because she did not want to make Sakuno self-conscious around the regulars.

Miyu wanted everything to be as natural as possible, feelings-wise of course.

Everything else could be engineered but feelings could not.


"What do you mean you are going to the beach?" Yukimura asked.

He was not surprised that she would go to the beach but he was not too pleased to hear that it would only be her and Sakuno.

Miyu said, "What are you asking, onii-san? Sakuno and I are going to the beach. What's wrong with that sentence?"

Yukimura said, "Exactly, Sakuno and you are going to the beach by yourselves? In the middle of the summer holidays? Without some more people to keep you company?

Even you should know better. It would be too dangerous. There would be too many guys around at the beach looking for girls like you and Sakuno just so they could have a spot of fun!"

Miyu gave an exaggerated sigh. "Onii-san, I haven't finished speaking. Sakuno wanted to go to the beach and I agreed to take her but she did say that she would like to ask the regulars to go with us because she would feel that it would be happier that way.

I said that I would tell you first and you can ask the others for us. We chose the coming Tuesday because that day, Sakuno and I don't have tennis practice and on a weekday, there wouldn't be so many families around at the beach like during the weekend.

We won't be going to the beach by ourselves because if you guys aren't coming, then I will just find someone else."

Yukimura asked, "If we aren't coming, who will you find?"

He knew that she was not that friendly with boys at school and he knew that most of her girl friends were made at Rikkai Dai and they would be more interested in getting boyfriends at the beach than having fun.

Miyu would be unlikely to get any of them to go with her and Sakuno.

Miyu answered airily, "Oh, I don't know yet. You know that I don't have many friends as close as your regulars but last time, Fuji-san and I exchanged emails and we kept in touch.

I might ask him to get some of his friends to go with us to the beach. After all, Sakuno knows them as well and since I am going because of her, I might as well get people that she can relax around."

She knew that would annoy Yukimura to think of Sakuno being near the Seigaku regulars again and that was why she brought them up.

Yukimura frowned and said, "Don't bother with the Seigaku people. I never said that we won't go. I don't know about the others but I will go with you, so you will at least have one escort. I will ask the others tomorrow, Miyu."

Miyu grinned, "Thanks, onii-san, make sure you say that Sakuno would be really disappointed if they don't say yes."

Yukimura looked at his sister suspiciously. He guessed that his precious sister was up to something but he did not know what.

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