63. Dots to Dots

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I want to be a gift, not a burden to you
And stop waking up tired in this sleepy little hell.
I wish the people would just use their eyes
and see love in the cracks
of the boards where it fell.

September fades unto the cold
And then a long wait rolls on in.
It makes me wish I felt something
Other than brevity of sweet life and sin.

Shards of mistakes wedged into plastic features,
Give embraces of purposeful flames.
It's too late to take back the flying glass, dousing
All those in this deadly little game.

Ironing over mistakes as they're seen,
But only the side one could spot.
Both relief and worry, from questions not coming,
Fore they'll never think to connect it dot to dot.

And don't be fooled, if I told what was wrong,
They'd leave as I tried to let them in.
It's sad but I know they'll only ever see me
for who I don't think that I've ever been.

This is so cryptic, it's probably hard to even comprehend what I'm talking about in half of it. It is a little rambley and not all that relatable because it's hard to read, but since none of this is really written just for you to try relating to anyway, I guess that doesn't matter much. Hope you like it anyway. Thanks. xx

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