New Poetry Books!

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I put a picture of me that I took fairly recently since this is about me starting a book more centered on me. And what the hell, I like knowing what my authors look like, you might too(: (Old pic before I transitioned btw, I'm a transgender man.) I picked this one since I was kind of sad when I took it, so it matched the theme of the next poem I'll be posting after this. And is more realistic than say, a big grinning one.

A/n: So I'm starting two new poetry books since this one's way too long and most don't ever read through the entire thing. I haven't decided for sure but I think the one is going to be loosely telling a story. My story. I'm only putting in poems true to me in that on, no poems for friends or my otp or whatnot. Those will go in my other, happier book. This weird little writing piece will be in the "Me" book along with some of the others in here. I hope you continue to read both this and my other new books when they come out.
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Something else to get off my chest...

Anyone reading this right now, I hope you know you are loved. If not by a parent or even a friend, than by me; and by anyone who goes on wattpad to find others who share their pain and confusion and lost sense of self, their unexplainable sadness or maybe just loneliness because you're thought of as too weird to fit in. It's okay. You weren't made to fit in. You were made to stand out. You were made to stand UP and be true to yourself.

Be kind. Be loving. And be very, very brave. This world is cruel; be strong enough to fight the cycle of cruelty and stay gentle and free in the breeze, even when they try their best to bring you back down onto and sometimes into the ground with them. You are important too. Keep that in mind before letting anyone hold you down from flying. Everyone needs to find and use their wings eventually, or life isn't going to be all that enjoyable.

Love is the answer. It's the key to being happy and successful and living with no regrets. Love the nature blooming all around you that most of us probably walk by everyday without a caring thought. Love the animals sleeping curled at your feet, as well as the ones frisking about in the trees outside your bedroom window. Love all of the people around you, because you don't know what past has helped to make them into who they are.

As I read once, "there is no evil left in the world, only recycled pain passed on through the generations."

I need to confess right now, I've written some stuff in here that I don't completely agree with anymore. I was very cold for a very, very long time and I still kind of am at times. I'm more aware of it now, and I know why. Hopefully that will help me to be softer and more gentle with those I care about.

For anyone who needs to talk and doesn't have anyone who supports them(or even if you do), I'll usually be able to get back to you at some point during the day. Even any of my silent readers, just tell me you saw me say on wattpad that you could come to me to talk so I know you're a friend(all my wattpad readers are friends lol- you're like my surrogate family), and I'd be happy to talk about whatever you need. Light casual convo, or super deep discussions about life, nothing is off limits. And I'm a lot nicer than I used to be so don't worry about me being weirded out or any of that. It's totally cool to be upfront too and be like, "Hi Dustin! Wanna be friends?" And it's also cool to immediately tell me what you want to talk about- I'm kind of terrible with small talk. I like deep conversations and weird thoughts, lol. (:

Don't be afraid to reach out. Okay? My PM box is open for messages of course. My Facebook is Dustin Alexander Morgan. I'm the only one with that full name and it's a lot easier to reach me there. Wattpad's been kind of faulty lately and the messages sometimes don't completely go through.

Thank you for listening. xx

~ Dustin the Great🌈

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