28. Nothing but Rhymes

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Nothing but Rhymes

Racing after the clock and

Running way too fast.

Making every minute count

Because each might be my last.

I say the time doesn't matter

Though honestly it does,

And I want to type the reasons out but

I just can't think because-

-I'm scared of what the future'll bring.

I'm terrified that I

Will end just like everyone else

And then I'll finally die,

Sad and stressed, alone and scared,

Still waiting for the one who'd care

About more than the basic things.

The one who'll know of everything.

The one I'll tell my secrets too.

Who'll laugh with me till my face turns blue.

The angel sent from God himself.

The one whom with I can be myself.

And then I start to think about

Everyone I care about

Everything that'll one day go

And leave me broken and all alone.

The stress is painful,

the road is long

And I can't help feeling

like I don't bęłöñg

With people who

work hard to be

Strong and smart

And brave and free.

And all I try to be is me.

I'm locked in a box

Full of my demons

And all of my feelings.

You don't want to see them.

So I have to worry

about when the tįmê

Comes and reveals

I am nothing but rhymes.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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~Dustin the Great

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