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"This is the start of something amazing, my queen," Ivar brought your hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it, "we're going to take Hedeby first and then so much more."

You stood in your place next to him on the docks, a place you'd spent plenty of time in your life, both as a townsperson of Kattegat and as its queen. This time was different though, bittersweet, leaning toward sweet.


Brenna and Hvitserk had sailed for Manafell nearly two months ago and the time you had spent alone with Ivar was almost happiness. You'd given physical self to him completely, though you didn't stop taking herbs despite his insistence, and some nights you enjoyed it. Not only was it fun turning him into a better lover, it also solidified your desire for him and only him. At least that was what he thought.

In truth, you thought of Hvitserk often, usually when you were making love to Ivar. The intimate time you spent together seemed to result in an overall change in his personality. He was much kinder, not just to his slaves, but to the people of Kattegat in general. He spent more time in public, interacting with he wouldn't have bothered with previously.

You had seen the change, but it was only that you began to believe what had happened with Aslaug pointed it out to you. It was two days before the boats from Manafell were due to arrive in Kattegat and news of the upcoming raid was buzzing around the city.

"Do you see the impact you've made on him, simply by loving him in return?"

The two of you were wandering around in the forest picking berries. The relationship you had with Aslaug had always been strained. It was clear she felt bad when you were ripped from Hvitserk but she had always favored Ivar and when you "fell in love" with him, she was delighted.

"What do you mean?"

"He has changed. Ivar was always such an angry boy and he grew into a spiteful man, I know this. When you finally stopped fighting him, he changed."

"You really think he has changed that much because of one person?"

"He is delighted you have moved on from his brother. He is delighted you give yourself to him fully, and that you will have his child."

Aslaug was not stupid. Your acting was either incredible or she was trying to make you feel bad for lying about everything.

"He loves you so much, more than he has ever loved anyone. Ivar would move mountains for you, I am glad you have decided to finally let him."

You'd been pushing it out of your mind since Hvitserk left, but you could no longer deny it. Ivar had told you he loved you in the past and you thought it was because only wanted what Hvitserk had because he was jealous of him.

It wasn't that. He did want what Hvitserk had, not because of Hvitserk, but because of you.


His eyes caught yours immediately. The boats docked and he was the first to jump off and give a hand to his wife, Brenna. She held her stomach like a mother would, but it was as flat as it had ever been.

"Are you with child," Ivar beamed at her as he dropped your hand and rushed forward toward his brother, "am I going to have a nephew?!"

The two men embraced as Brenna made her way over to you. She wrapped her fur-clad arms around your neck and kissed your cheek.

"Am I a believable pregnant woman?"

She whispered the words in your ear and gave you a sly smile when she pulled away, rubbing her stomach again.

"I am truly excited for you, my brother, I can only hope that wife will fall pregnant soon so our children can grow up together. Two crown princes!"

The crowd, led by Hvitserk and Ivar, made their way to the great hall. Two thrones nearly identical to yours and Ivar's had been placed beside them. Two kings and two queens, and their bizarre versions of love and twisted plans, took their seats and the feast began.


"I love you, my queen, I'll be back soon."

Ivar kissed your lips and hugged you harder than usual, before letting go and boarding the boat. Hvitserk mirrored those actions with Brenna and the both of you stood side by side as the kings of your respective villages sailed away.

"How long will you stay in Kattegat?"

"Only a day. I will sail home tomorrow but we need to speak before then."

"Shall we retire to our chambers in the great hall?"

Naturally suspicious, you met with Brenna in a familiar spot. Dropping into an out of use boat pushed off to the less prominent of the docks, you sat across from her and waited for her to begin speaking.

"I need to be honest with you. This plan only works if we are truthful and I am full of guilt."


She bit her lip and lowered her eyes to the boat floor, wringing her hands out of anxiety.

"I was intimate with Hvitserk."

It should have shocked you, but you couldn't be mad at either of them when you were willingly giving yourself to Ivar, even if it was only to make sure you stayed on as his queen.

"It was only twice, and the both of us felt bad. I have a partner that I have loved for many years, but it is complicated, she doesn't have certain qualities that Hvitserk has."

You giggled before taking her hands in yours.

"Hvitserk is a wonderful lover, despite any preferences, I know this. I am not mad."

Brenna sighed heavily and wrapped her arms around your neck.

"I have felt guilt for so long, I don't even like men, why does he have such a magical cock?"

The two of you shared a laugh and it was then that you knew the only person you could trust in any of this was Brenna. There was a bond between women that had been forced into their positions and made the best of it that the two of you shared.

"Ivar isn't going to survive this raid, and if he does, he will be gravely wounded. Do you want to remain the queen of Kattegat if he dies?"

Snow - Ivar / Hvitserk (Vikings)Where stories live. Discover now