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As soon as you heard the sound of the horns, you immediately abandoned your present task and hurriedly dressed for the cold.

It was the beginning of winter and barely any snow had fallen but the wind was enough to chill you, even under your furs. The docks weren't far from your home but so many people had crowded into the streets that getting to the water's edge was no easy task.

As soon as you reached your destination, your eyes focused on the small figures on the lead ship. They were too far away to make out, but one silhouette you knew would be able to see from that distance appeared to be absent.

Your breath caught in your throat.

There was no way he hadn't survived.

The mighty Hvitserk, warrior son of Ragnar Lothbrok and one of the best fighters in existence, always came home.

"You seem tense," Queen Aslaug stepped beside you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder while she stared proudly out at the incoming ships, "you get nervous every time but he always comes back for you. This time will be no different."

Her words soothed you slightly but you wouldn't be content until Hvitserk stepped off the ship, wrapped his arms around you and kissed you until you had to pull away to catch your breath.

The ships docked and vikings began to pour off the ships, eager to greet their loved ones. Aslaug kept a firm grip on your shoulder until her youngest son, Ivar, made his way off the ship and toward his mother.

"Ivar!" She nearly ran to him, wrapping him in a hug that the quickly shrugged off while apologizing so that no else could hear.

You stood by yourself on the dock, arms wrapped around your body, watching their interaction and hoping that Hvitserk would suddenly pop up behind him.

Hvitty, the nickname you had lovingly given him, never disappointed.

"You look stressed. Did you think I wouldn't come back?"

"I-I didn't know. I never know."

"Hey," he stepped up to you and placed his pointer finger beneath your chin to raise your gaze to meet his, "i'll always come home for you, love."

Hvitserk wrapped his arms around you and the scent of the salty sea invaded your nostrils but you happily welcomed it as you pressed your lips to his neck, melting into his body.

"Can we go home?"

"Soon," Hvitserk gently pulled your lips to his and gave you a soft kiss, "we have to go to the Great Hall first. There is much that needs to be discussed."

"It can't wait?" You asked, your hand sliding from his strong shoulder, down his chest and finally to cup his cock outside his pants. You felt a shiver from him as you did but he was quick to push your hand away.

"I wish it could wait. I wish I could take you home and ravage your beautiful body that i've missed so much but duty calls."

Hvitserk wrapped a strong arm around your waist and kissed your head before leading you to the Great Hall to hear all about the most recent battle with the Christians.

The two of you made your way to the front of the hall and tucked yourselves into the lineup behind Aslaug and, much to your irritation, Ivar.

You didn't hide the fact that you weren't the biggest fan of Ivar. You found him to be controlling, narcissistic and absolutely terrible to deal with when he didn't get his way. You had to tolerate with him though. He and Hvitserk were brothers and as long as you were with him, Ivar was someone you had to accept as part of your life.

Snow - Ivar / Hvitserk (Vikings)Where stories live. Discover now