"If I get kicked out I'm taking you with me."

She rolls her eyes, "Let lose and live a little. You'll be fine."

I walk into the store and she keeps her distance as I do my dare. She watches from behind an advertisement board.

I slide underneath the blanket and shut my eyes. Even though I'm surrounded by strange people with my eyes shut, completely oblivious to my surroundings I'm not that scared. This mattress is incredibly comfortable. Any minute now and I'll be asleep for real.

Then, the blanket is yanked off of me and a grumpy woman stands there, "What are you doing?"

I raise up slowly, stretching my arms over my head, "Is it time for school already?" I yawn.

She frowns, "Get out of my store or I'm calling security."

Well, that escalated quickly.

I hold my hands up in defense, "No need for that ma'am. I'm leaving."

She steps aside, watching me closely as I climb out of bed and leave the store. A few moments later Laila is behind me laughing hysterically.

I turn around to face her, ready to announce my dare. Only I haven't thought of one yet.

She's better at this sort of thing! She walks around doing her own dares for fun. She enjoys the thrill of getting in trouble and sometimes the judgmental comments from bystanders gives her motivation to keep going. She likes the attention so I've got to give her a really good one. One that she won't like.

"I dare you to give yourself three dares to complete." I cross my arms. She can pick her own dares but I have a twist at the end. She absolutely despises being under pressure.

Laila nods once, "Easy, done."

"Now those same three dares that you've got in your mind, you have five minutes to do them. I'll time you and follow you around. If you can't complete all three dares in five minutes then you're buying our lunch."

Her mouth curves down at the sides, "That's cruel of you little sis but fine. You're on."

I start the timer and she takes off running into the hardware store. What the heck?

She grabs the first tool that cuts something and rushes to the counter with it. A man turns around and she smiles at him sweetly, "How well does this particular saw cut through bone?"

His eyes widen, "Are you talking about a deer or something?"

She shakes her head, calm demeanor, "No."

He gives her a nervous smile and takes the saw from her delicate hands. The man goes to grab a different one, probably just fulfilling her wish to find a better bone cutting saw. But once his back is to her, she runs away.

On her way out of the hardware store, she grabs my hand and begins pulling me to the next store with her, "Time?"

I glance down at my phone, "Three minutes and forty seven seconds."

She releases me at the Gap I stand in the doorway as she browses through the pants.

Only seconds later, she grabs a pair of denim jeans and hurries into the dressing room.

I can practically feel the adrenaline pumping through this girl. Watching her is making me feel out of breath and exhausted.

The door to the dressing room opens and she steps out. She put the shorts on backwards but the confident way she's walking tells me she did that on purpose. She struts up to the nearest person she see's: a middle aged man.

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