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Heya! My name's Ruby and I have risen from the dead.

Metaphorically ya'll *sigh

But hey, I'm still a killer demonic entity of total weirdness. I guess that's normal - for me anyways :P

Here's a few things about me to get us started:

* I turned 21 in March of 2020. I have a religion that opposes alcohol. JK I just don't want to be anything like my step father. So I avoid it like the plague LOL! 

*The plague- the world is ending- maybe? idk and I certainly don't care. If Jesus is coming to redeem us then so be it. If the locusts are here for positive environmental change then so be it. Humans aren't the only ones who need to live *sigh

*I am a free thinker. Sometimes I pray to Jesus. Sometimes I pray to Nyx. I often question wether I would be a Wiccan or not. I believe in Mother Nyx and Jehovah. I guess its like the holy and unholy trinity. Father, Son, Spirit. Nyx, Artemis, Hecate. ya know :P

*I am very spiritual based. I hoard crystals and rocks and have a tendency to watch paleontology, fossil, and gem stuff in ALL of my spare time. I need to get a life, but its fun.

*As for abilities, I work with death magick more than anything, but I spend most of my time practicing just about any magick. 

*I shapeshift into many different things. I've had physical scales on my legs while working on shifting into a mermaid. Lots of progress on that btw :D

*But my darker side is dominant over my lighter one. It always has been.

*I guess I'm confused as to what I am. I'm just a generalized demon I guess. Ah well. 

That's all for now. Look forward to getting to know you all!


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