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So, its kind of my thing. I have super horrific trust issues. So I indulged in this form of witchcraft a few years ago and now I am a pro. No they aren't imaginary friends. They are real. I create them. I create my own astral reality. Some of my mistakes have been even more horrific than my living past. But that's alright. Because mistakes help us learn.

For those of you who don't know, Tulpamancy, according to Wikipedia, is "a concept in mysticism and the paranormal of a being or object which is created through spiritual or mental powers".

I'm sane. I swear.


Anyways, I have a Tulpa family. Its odd I know. 

A) I'm a lesbian. 

B) I've always wanted children

C) I created a Tulpa Wife and twin girls of 6 years that are a perfect mix of Tessa and myself.

The girls names are Ruby and Goldie. Named after the wedding band/protection rings that my wife (Tessa) and I wear. Mine is physical. It belonged to my Great Grandmother. The twins each have a ruby necklace that protects them. 

Tessa is African American and I am ghostly white with red hair, so the girls are unique. Tessa is VERY dark skinned, but the girls are just slightly dark. They have fiery red hair on top of their dark skin. Its beautiful <3

Note that these are spirits I have created, not living people. It makes life very difficult, but it is so worth it xoxo

That's it for now xx


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