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December and January flew by and now it was February.

As the flowers were blossoming, so was my friendship with Jack.

I think it would be appropriate to say he is my best friend.

He's still dating Jessa and they seem really happy together. I'm still bothered by it but I can sense myself getting over it soon.

I still haven't made up my mind whether I'm going to take the internship or not. My parents say it will be a great opportunity, but a part of me is dreading to leave New York.

While Jack is my best friend, I haven't told him about it. One because I don't know whether I'm going yet, and two because I think if I were to tell him he would tell me I should go for it.

Is that selfish of me? To want him to want me to stay? I don't know.

I do really need to start thinking about this however because the deadline to make a decision is by the end of March.

In other news, I started a YouTube channel.

So far I only have 56 subscribers but I'm hoping to reach 500 by my birthday which is May 29.

Jack always teases me about it, but I know deep inside he's desperate to be in one of my videos.

I wouldn't blame him though, the boy can sing.

We haven't been hanging out as much recently because he's always too busy with Jessabelle. But today he's coming over so we can just pig out and watch Netflix!

I look at the clock and decide to get ready. He's not supposed to be here for another hour but I have nothing better to do.

Besides, it won't take long to get ready. I'm just going to wear comfortable clothes and no makeup.

I finish getting ready and I'm surprised when I realize Jack should be here any moment.

I hear my phone go off and answer it.


"Collins." I smile to myself before responding.


"Hey listen about-" he gets interrupted by a female voice.

"Jack are we leaving yet." I hear briefly through the phone.

"Yeah almost just let me take this."

"Jack what's going on?" I question.

"Elena, I'm sorry but can you take a rain check? Jess really wants to go out tonight."


"I know this was supposed to be our night to catch up and stuff but I'm sorry hope you understand."

"Yeah. Okay, bye."

"Elen-" is what I hear before I hang up the phone.

Some people may say I'm overreacting or being harsh but I'm not. You want to know why?

This is the 10th time he's cancelled on me in the past month.

And quite frankly, I'm over it.

If he doesn't want to make time for me, his "best friend" then what's the point of me staying in NY?

He's my only friend and probably the reason why I didn't want to go to Paris.

Upset, angry, and confused I pick up the phone and make one of the most important decisions of my life.

"Yes, this is Elena Collins. I would like to inform you that I would be honored to take the internship in Paris."

yikes don't hate me

x vanessa

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