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"...You don't love me like I love you." That sentence kept replaying itself in my head over and over again like a broken record.

I knew exactly what he meant, but Harry was way past being drunk. I knew that he was hurt the moment Ben and I stepped foot inside the house. He didn't have time to heal from Kendall and jumped right into Destiny and threw this big party to mask the fact that he was hurting.

Harry has always been the type to not let his emotions show, even though we're best friends he never gave me that satisfaction of helping him out whenever he was going through a tough time.

He always liked being kept together and act like nothing was going on. Not even when his parents divorced, he just sort of stayed in his room and I had to sneak in through his window to check up on him because he wouldn't unlock the door.

And I had found him in there, laying down in bed fiddling with a rubric cube, though he never showed any type of emotion.

This was like that, except I'm thinking being wasted beyond his control lead to his guard being down and I know that drunken mouths say sober thoughts and he was way too drunk to stop himself from saying that to me.

It was about 5 in the morning and Harry kept stirring in his sleep. I had stayed at Harry's to make sure he didn't choke on his own throw up in his sleep and also because the paparazzi was still outside and I didn't want them to see him like that.

I had sent Ben home, even though he refused and wanted to stay with me I told him I'd be fine. Harry coughing made me look up from my hands to see him sit up making me go towards him, handing him the small trash can and allowing him to throw up the alcohol.

He groaned and threw up some more before his eyes opened up and looked at me. "What are you doing here?" He rasps as I hand him the water bottle which he uses to rinse his mouth with.

"I'm making sure you don't die in your sleep." I say with a small laugh but he only looked away. "How are you feeling?" I ask, not expecting him to answer my question, truthfully at least.

"I'm fine." He lies, grabbing his head. "My head's killing me." He mumbles making me hand him two headache pills to which he downs them with water.

"Harry," I say, debating wether or not I should tell him what he drunkenly said to me before he knocked out. He looks up at me, his eyes were bloodshot and tired. "You know that I love you," I begin. "We've known each other since we were basically babies. You're my best friend and I don't want to lose you."

He looks at me and pats the space on the bed next to him. "What makes you think you'll lose me?" He says, putting hair behind my ear before he noticed his bandaged hand. "What the hell happened to me?" He looks at his hand.

"Well," I say. "You threw your guitar at a mirror and tried picking it up but you cut yourself." He furrows his eyebrows, not believing that he's capable of doing such things.

"What else happened? The night's all a blur to me, last thing I remember was you arriving." He says with a nervous chuckle. I could either let him know, or I can keep quiet about it.

If I say, he might get embarrassed or he will talk about it and I will feel bad for him. Why does this stuff have to happen to me? As if the kiss wasn't enough to have me questioning wether I'm crushing on Harry or not.

Now, him confessing (while drunk) that he loves me is sending me on the edge.

"Well, you were kicking us out and then you passed out." I say, keeping it short making him rub his face with his hands.

"I'm a shit show when I'm drunk." He groans, falling back on the bed making me do the same.

"It's okay, so am I." I say making Harry snort.

"You are without a doubt," he smiles, zoning out while he seems to remember something. "Anyway, I'm sorry that I tried kicking you out." Harry laughs making me shrug and let out a sigh.

We stayed laying down in silence, doing nothing in particular but hearing each other's breathing and we were allowed to do this since things didn't really get awkward with us.

It was a comfortable silence.

"Are you really going to date Destiny?" I ask, breaking the silence. I had to know, and I really hope that he says no because of how she acted last night, not stopping Harry from embarrassing himself.

He shakes his head, making relief wash over me. "Of course not, I just didn't want to be the only one without a date." He says making me giggle.

"Good," I say making him turn to look at me. "You don't know this, but when we were in elementary she used to bully me." I say. At this, Harry props himself up on the bed with his elbows.

"What?" He asks in disbelief. "But we were dating? How come you didn't say anything to me then?"

I shrug. "I knew you really liked her, I didn't want you to be heartbroken over it."

"So that's why you'd refused to go out with us?" He asks making me nod.

"Well, that and because she used to threaten me not to go." I say. This girl was truly the devil and I'm so glad Harry won't be dating her anytime soon. Or at all.

"Kate I'm so sorry. If I'd known I wouldn't have invited her." Harry apologizes. "When She was here, she kept taking pictures with me and asked if I could give her a list to some of my agents."

"Of course," I roll my eyes. Of course she would see this as an opportunity to help her career. "She only came into my work to ask for your number, she could've at least bought a coffee."

"Forget her." Harry rolls his eyes. "Definitely won't be seeing much of her again, not after what you told me." He says before turning his gaze at me, looking me up and down.

"I haven't exactly gone home to change." I point out.

"That's fine, you still look beautiful." He winks making me gag in a playful manner.

"Come on, we should get home so we can spend Christmas morning with our mum's." I say, standing up and dragging him off the bed.

Ever since, New York [h.s] AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz