“I’m sure your uncle would love to know what you’d just done.” A sly smirk formed on my face.

“Don’t you even-,”

“Oh does he not even know you’re here?” I interrupted. “Did you have to sneak out behind his back like a little kid who’s out past his bedtime?”

All the angry energy that I had stored against him was showing and there was no way I could rein it in if I wanted too.

“Well I at least I’m not a little whore who kisses anyone she feels like.” He snarled. He almost looked like he regretted it but my eyes must have been deceiving me once again.

“Really? It’s you who kissed me you imbecile!”

“Only because I felt sorry for you!”  First punch to the gut.

“Well that was stupid of you then wasn’t it?”

“I know and I wished it hadn’t happened.” Second punch to the gut.

“You should have thought about that before you did it idiot.”

“Trust me if I was thinking I wouldn’t have kissed you.”

If he gave me any more punches to the guts, I might have to give him one too; in the face.

I swallowed back the tears, feeling all the blood rush to my face. I looked down honestly never feeling more embarrassed in my lifetime than I did right now. When I glanced back up his face visibly softened.

“Alanna-,” He started.

Harry came rushing round the corner wearing a frantic expression until he caught sight of us.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you two! I thought something had happened.”

“By something you mean me drugging him and dragging him into an alley to finish him off?” I guessed bitterly.

“Alanna-,” Harry started.

“Don’t worry it’s not like I haven’t thought about it.” I told them my tone sarcastic even though admittedly I’d thought about it once or twice.

“You shouldn’t make jokes about that.” Harry said whilst shifting uncomfortably.

“Why? Do you think I mean it? Maybe I do after all I am an evil lying bitch, they’re known to want to kill people.” I scoffed.

Louis and Finn came round the corner and I tried to soften my bitter and twisted expression for Finn’s benefit; he was only fourteen, he didn’t need to see this side of me. Taking a deep breath I turned back to Harry.

“I’m sorry.” I lied. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

He eyes me suspiciously, along with Zayn, but otherwise didn’t comment on it. “Okay.”

It was quiet for a few moments; the atmosphere was thick with the weight of the words which remained unspoken.  

“What do we do now?” Finn spoke up, his eyes were fixed on me. I gave him a small smile and a look of shock flickered across his face before he gave me a sheepish smile back.

All eyes turned to me. “I want to go to the house.”

Harry sighed. “But there was nothing there,”

“To you there was nothing there,” I added. “You don’t know what to look for. I do.”

Everyone seemed unsure. “I don’t know Alanna-,”

“Look,” I interrupted taking the gun out of my pocket and pointing it at them. “If I wanted to kill you I could do it right now,” I dropped the gun and a look of relief washed over all of their faces. “But I don’t okay?”

Battle To Be Free (z.m) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now