Chapter 18

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Hinata's POV

I woke up yawning, hips and legs hurting. I looked around. Oh right, Mum and dad left, and I had sex with Kageyama yesterday. I looked down at where Kageyama was still sleeping peacefully. I smiled at ruffled his hair. 

"Hey, Hey, Bakageyama. Wake up. I'm hungry." I whispered. He groaned and slightly opened an eye before yawning. 

"Morning Shouyo." He said then sat up. 

"Morning. Tobio." I said grinning. We got up from the bed to prepare breakfast, then we had to gather my things because I was going to move to Tobio's for 3 years.

"Have you already told your mum about me coming, Tobio?" I asked while I munched on my buttered bread. 

"Nah, I'll tell her after breakfast while you're packing some things. You don't need to worry about much because we can come back anytime anyway." Tobio replied. 

"Kay!" I said and finished eating. 

"I'll go first. I have a lot to pack." I said and left to go to my room. 


Kageyama's POV

Shouyo left the room and I started texting mum. 

{Hey mum, Shouyo is going to live at our house for 3 years. Is that fine?} 

{Of course Hon. But why?}

{Shouyo's Parents and his little sister went overseas for a job. They said they will send money now and then.}

{Alright. I'll get ready a futon.} 


{No prob}

I put away the phone and started to walk to Shouyo's room. 

"Shouyo, I'm coming in," I said and entered the room. 

"Ah! Tobio! What's up?" Shouyo replied. 

"Need any help?" I asked. 

"Hmm, Can you grab the food that's in the fridge? I won't be able to pay the electric bill." He replied. I nodded and went back down to the kitchen. I should get a cooling bag, or whatever that thing is. I thought, I found a couple and began stuffing in the food from the fridge inside. Hard things first so that the soft things don't get squished. 

"Tobio! How are you doing?" Shouyo asked popping his head through the door. 

"I'm good. You just go pack your stuff." I replied not turning my head back. 

"Okay!" He said cheerfully and the sound of his footsteps gradually quieted. Signaling he walked away. It took almost an hour to pack everything away. There were so many things!

"Shouyo! I'm done!" I yelled while zipping up the last bag. 

"Thanks, Tobio!" He yelled back.

"I'm just about done too! I just need to grab my shower things and I'm done!" 

"Alright! Take your time! Mum will pick us up! At around 11:00!" 

"Kay!" Shouyo's voice echoed through the house. I stood up and started to take everything to the front door while Shouyo ran around the house double checking if he had everything he needed. A few minutes passed and there was a beep of a car outside. My mum was here. 

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