She shook her head. "And you don't even have a jacket? Davina seriously?" I felt like a child being scolded like this. But instead of responding I just shrugged shoulders.

We made it to a black 2019 Cadillac Escalade and she unlocked it opening my door for me, letting me inside before closing it. She made her way to the drivers side and hopped in.

"Okay" she said as she started the car up.
"Where is this bus stop?"

We started to make our way down the long driveway onto the Main Street. I hesitated for a second before responding "uh, it's on the corner of Council and Essex."

She pressed on the breaks hard, causing me to launch forward but thankfully my seatbelt caught me.

"WHAT?!" She yelled looking at me like I was absolutely crazy. I didn't know her voice could get so loud, it honestly took me by surprise.

"Davina that is over three miles away! You're kidding right?!" I could tell she was mad and I couldn't even bring myself to look her in the eyes. I just kept silent.

"You walk to and from there every single day for work?" She questioned. I just nodded my head, not trusting my voice enough to respond.

Shaking her head she spoke again "Okay no. Nope. Absolutely not, we are not doing that today. Where do you live? I'm taking you all the way there."

My eyes got wide as I started to shake my head. I lived almost an hour away and I did not want her driving that far just to come all the way back by herself. "No, I live really far Jan it's fine. Really just take me to the bus stop" I told her reaching for her hand on the steering wheel squeezing it softly.

She just looked at me unamused. "That's an even bigger reason why I am not about to let you catch the bus Davina."
I pressed my lips together as she continued. "And I really don't give a damn, either you give me your address or you're not going home at all. Make your choice."

And she says I'm the stubborn one.

Finally I gave up and told her my address, I wasn't in the mood to go back and forth with her. I know she wasn't about to budge so I just let her have her way.

We eventually made it onto the freeway and soon a comfortable silence fell over us.


I cannot believe she was about to walk to that bus stop by herself at this time of night and not even tell me about it. And then on top of that spend almost two hours on a bus with complete strangers. I didn't want her to do that every single day, so I made it up in my mind that I would have her picked up and dropped off every day.

I had this overwhelming urge to protect her. Just the thought of a beautiful girl like her walking the streets of Los Angeles alone made me feel uneasy. I wanted to keep her safe and close.

The entire time I was in London I couldn't keep my mind off of her, but that's how it always was these days. I wish I could've said goodbye to her but things just happened so fast. I admit I could've easily gotten in touch with her but I didn't know if that's what she wanted. God knows that's definitely what I needed. To hear her voice at least once, but I didn't want to push any boundaries since we aren't anything serious. Yet.

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