✯Chapter 7✯

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"I didn't respond to her," I told her, hoping to calm her down, "I'm not going to. It did make me anxious at first, but I'm okay now."

"You're okay, but I'm going to kill her."

"No, you're not," I told her, "I need my buddy out of jail for as long as possible, please and thank you."

"You're cute, Scar. But I still want her address."

Later that day, Tina, Coraline and I went apartment hunting. The tenant led us around the apartment. I didn't want to compare a measly apartment to what Colt owned, but I couldn't help it. I spotted cracks on the walls that didn't quite give me a safe feeling there. I didn't mind the smallness of the apartment, but there was something about this place that simply didn't feel like home. I told the tenant that I would let him know, but I knew the answer already.

This place wasn't it.

Just when we were about to say goodbye to each other, Tina had her mischievous grin again. I gave her a suspicious look.

"So uhh..." she started, scratching the back of her head, "Guess who organized a party."

"Just us three?" Cora asked.


"Tina, why...? This isn't good timing."

She shrugged. "If not now, when?" she asked us, "Come on, I did it especially for Scar."

I sighed. I had nothing better to do, so why not?

Minutes later we were at Tina's house. She said the party would be starting in an hour, so we decided to help her with house cleaning. She took care of the drinks. She said she invited only a few people, so it wasn't going to be anything crazy.

I didn't believe her.

As soon as the first rounds of people started filling up her house, I started getting worried. Tina was a wildcat. She liked to party. There was nothing wrong with that, as long as you, the host, didn't lose control along with your guests. Tina always lost control of herself. She would brag about having high alcohol tolerance, but she didn't need alcohol to make her go crazy.

By the time it was 11pm, Tina's party was insane. Everyone was drinking, having fun and laughing. I felt like the odd one out. I did have a few drinks, enough to make me feel a bit tipsy, but I didn't want to get wasted like yesterday. Coraline spent her time handing out beers and making sure people weren't breaking stuff in Tina's house. As for me... I wanted to leave already.

I started shoving my way through the dancing people to get out, but then I stopped walking. I looked right into the eyes of Levi Gallant. I spotted him standing in a corner with a drink in his hand, staring at the commotion in front of him.

When our eyes met, it happened again. My heart did a few leaps. Was it because of the alcohol? I looked away and quickly continued heading to the door. The moment I opened the door, a gust of fresh wind hit my face. I went out and then walked to the backyard. I took a seat against one of the trees. There were a few people outside, but they didn't stay long.

To my surprise, Levi followed me outside. I could see with the help of the dimly lit street lights that he was wearing a black shirt with cargo pants. Not that he wasn't wearing a suit, I could see that he had tattoos covered all over his arms.

Levi approached me and just sat down next to me. "Hey Scarlett," he said.

"Hi Levi," I replied, smiling at him.

"Is this not your scene?" he asked, nodding in the direction of the house.

I shook my head. "It's not really a good time," I said, "I thought that it would be a good idea to distract myself, but I can't really enjoy myself here. I don't feel like dancing."

He took out his phone and started typing on it. "At least you have a good excuse for leaving the party. I don't. I just hate loud music."

I grinned. "Really?"

"Yeah, I don't go to parties and other gatherings easily," he admitted.

We were silent for a while. I glanced up at the sky. Although I wasn't drunk, I was still beginning to feel sleepy. The wind felt way too nice.

"What would you rather be doing right now?" I asked him.

Levi didn't answer. I looked over at him. He was staring at me, curiosity in his eyes.

"What?" I asked him surprised.

"Honestly, I don't know," he replied, smirking.

There it was again. He looked like a completely different person whenever he smiled. It was my one weakness.

"I'm going inside to get another drink," Levi said, "Do you want one too?"

"Sure," I told him.

He got up and walked away. I watched him until he disappeared inside. Then I took my phone out and read Carly's message again. Was I in the wrong for liking Colt and for marrying him? Could this have been prevented somehow? If Carly would have told me she liked him, what would I have done? Would I have backed off? Why didn't she tell me? Was Carly aware of Colt being on dating apps as well?

I closed my eyes for a while. Soon enough I felt something cold against my cheek. It was Levi. I took the cup from him and thanked him. He sat back down next to me.

"Carly sent me a text today," I told him, "I know you're not working right now, but..."

He shook his head. "It's fine," he said, "What was her text about?"

"She's blaming me for taking Colt away from her. She says... she has more right than me to be with him."

Levi nodded. "That doesn't surprise me. They've been dating for so long that she feels like he belongs to her."

"I did... ask for a divorce, but..." I sighed. "Colt changed the locks of the doors and even set up a camera and an alarm system so that I couldn't get back in the house. He says I should know why he did it."

"That's... going to be a pain to deal with," Levi admitted, "Did you figure it out?"

"No," I replied, "Do you know?"

"It means he doesn't want to get separated from you."

What? I shook my head in disbelief and downed the drink I was holding.

"No way," I muttered, "I..."

I didn't know what to think. I wasn't in the state to think anymore. I was too sleepy. The last thing I remembered was swearing under my breath and then I passed out.

I woke up hours later in a completely unknown place. I was laying on a bed that wasn't Coraline's guest bedroom's bed. I forced myself to sit straight, despite the killer headache I was having. This was why I wasn't a drinker.

It wasn't until I saw a body laying next to me that I almost had a heart attack. I pushed the sheets off of me, only to realize that I was only wearing my underwear and my bra. The person next to me... Who was he?

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