I could be lonely with you

Start from the beginning

I grabbed my keys and opened the many locks Remy put on our front door. It makes sense when I think about how scary this apartment is. But it's the closest to my college and the cheapest.

We don't have a lot of money and I'm drowning in student debt. College is way too expensive. I shouldn't have to pay so much for a book I'm only going to use one year and for an education I need to get the job I want.

I opened the door and stepped inside. I locked the door and sighed. Do I take a shower or just change. Usually Remy and I shower together to save on money. But he won't be home for a couple more hours. But we're short on money and even one extra shower could screw us over.

The fear of loosing more money won over. I headed over to the makeshift bedroom. The apartment had one room and a bathroom. So the bed is in the farthest corner from the door. I dug through the dresser and pulled out my only pair of sweatpants, one of Remy's sweatshirts and a new pair of boxers.

I stripped completely and dried myself off with the towel hanging on the bathroom door. I pulled on the clothes and sat down on the bed to brush my hair. The bed was the one thing we splurged on, everything else sucked.

I stared out the window at the rain pouring down. I let my mind wonder before I had to start homework. I wish Remy was here.

But he's working. Right now should be his shift at Hot Topic. Remy works four different jobs. I don't think he should be working so much because I know it stresses him out. He works at Hot Topic, Starbucks, a gas station and as a bartender.

I work at a Barnes and Nobel and basically as a servant for one of my professors. He's not nice, he yells at me a lot, and he's extremely picky. But it's the best paying job between the two of us so I'll put up with it.

This apartment sucks. And with that thought the roof started leaking. I sighed and grabbed a pot and placed it under the leak. No matter what I tried, I couldn't make this apartment feels like home. It's better when Remy's here with me but nothing I do makes it feel better.

Somehow we'll be okay.


"Hey baby," Remy mumbled, hugging me from behind.

"Hi yourself," I said, moving a bit so I could press a kiss to his cheek. His hair was a little wet from the rain and he seemed tired. Well, more tired than usual.

"What's dinner," He asked, kissing my neck and then burying his face in my hair.

"Canned chicken noodle soup," I sighed, motioning to the small can next to the stove.

"That's okay baby," Remy told me.

I sighed, knowing full well it wasn't. We don't have enough food. We have breakfast and dinner. That's it. We don't have the money to pay for an adequate amount of food. College tuition takes everything.

"Go get changed into lazy clothes," I suggested. Remy doesn't have any more work tonight...and neither do I.

This is a miracle. We can finally spend the night together. I couldn't help but smile to myself slightly. We can cuddle and hang out.

I turned off the stove and split the pot of soup into two bowls. I gave Remy more than me since he needs it more than I do.

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