Lady and the tramp

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I'm so sorry my lovelies that I missed more updates!

Omfg that 6,000+ word chapter from Dont Let Me Be Gone took two fucking days to write...I'm exhausted


And it's about to get CLICHE AS FUCK but don't worry we'll be back to aNgSt soon

Roman POV
I ran my hands through my hair, once again checking my appearance in the mirror. My date with Virgil is tonight!

I'm so excited. And also incredibly nervous. I've been on many dates with girls, so I'm experienced.

But not with guys.

This will be my first date with a guy. And with Virgil of all people. I really thought he was going to reject me.

And while all those dates with those girls didn't feel to special to me, there's just something about Virgil that genuinely draws me to him.  Something tells me tonight is going to be amazing.

I looked at myself in the mirror again. The Spaghetti Warehouse isn't really a fancy restaurant. Well it is expensive with really nice Italian food, but it's not like formal wear fancy.

I was wearing a nice pair of light blue jeans. I had a red T-shirt that had a gold crown on the right corner. I had on my letterman jacket, which completed the look if I do say so myself.

It's getting really cold out, so I hope I won't freeze to death. But I am one hundred percent ready to give Virgil my jacket and let myself freeze if he gets cold.

I checked my breath before grabbing my phone off my bed. I sent Virgil a text telling him I'd be over soon to pick him up.

I practically skipped down the steps to the front door. Mom was waiting there, giving me a knowing look.

"Hey Mom," I said awkwardly. She is unaware of my date with Virgil tonight. Or so I thought...

"Finally taking that Virgil boy out?" She asked with a smirk.

"Maybe," I said with an awkward laugh.

"Go get the boy then," Dad said, putting a hand on my shoulder. I jumped a bit in shock, completely unaware he was here. "It's rude to make your date wait for you."

"How did you two find out?" I asked them.

"You weren't exactly subtle when you were screaming about it to Patton," Mom teased. I blushed a bright red.

"Go!" Dad said, shoving me towards the door. "I'm glad you've finally figure yourself out."

I smiled widely, my heart warmed by my parents support.

"Thank you two so much," I thanked them. "This means so much to me." Dad laughed.

"Don't go getting to sentimental on me now," He laughed. "Now what did I say about keeping that date of yours waiting. What's his name again?"

"Virgil," Mom answered before I could. "He's the one that was over for a few days because...well because his father is not...well..."

"He's abusive and treats Virgil like garbage," I finished for her. Mom nodded slowly, her eyes full of sympathy.

"You'll take good care of him," Dad told him. "I know you will."

"Thanks Dad," I said with a smile. "And you were the one on me about getting there on time and now you've made me late with all this talking."

But Now We're Stressed Out Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang