Embarrasment and Anxiety

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Virgil POV

I followed Roman outside.  He sat down on a bench under one of the trees.  I followed slowly, starting to get super anxious.  I wasn't sure how angry or upset Roman was with what had happened. 

I sat down next to him.  I was trying to keep myself from shaking.  Roman sighed deeply, before putting his head in his hands. 

"I'm so sorry Virgil.  I made everything worse by trying to help you."  He said emotionally.  "I didn't mean for people to accuse you of that." 

I didn't say anything for a few seconds, unsure of how to respond. I was shocked he wasn't angry with me. Instead he was apologizing, for something he didn't do.

"It's okay."  I told him quietly.  "I actually made a few friends because of it."  Roman looked up at me in surprise.

"Really?"  He asked, sounding hopeful. 

"Yeah."  I said with a laugh.  "Patton, Emile, and Remy."

"That's good."  Roman said slowly. 

"You jealous Princey?"  I asked with a smirk. 

"Never!"  Scoffed Roman.  We looked at each for a while before bursting out laughing. 

"Anyways..."  I said when we returned to silence.  "Don't think I'll stick with them though." 

"What?  Why?" 

"Too much commitment, too much stress."  I mumbled.  "Always been a loner, it's weird getting thrown into a friends group...especially after what happened this morning."

"I'm so sorry about this morning."  Roman told me again.  "I didn't think people would do something like this just because I got in a fight with Jackson over you." 

"You did what?"  I hissed, my anxiety starting to rise again. 

"Sorry, shouldn't have brought that up."  Roman said apologetically. 

"Is that why you have a bruise on your chin?"  I asked.  Roman nodded, running his fingers over the bruise. 

"Jackson was making fun of you and I yelled at him for it.  We were at a party and drunk and things escalated."  Roman explained.  "I can only assume that Jackson was the one who spray painted our lockers because he accused me of being gay for you." 

At that, we both blushed heavily.  My heart seemed to jump when he said that and I felt my breathing becoming shallower as my anxiety got worse. 

"Sorry...that was..."  Roman said awkwardly, trying to apologize. 

"It's fine Princey."  I sighed.

"Can we still be friends?" Asked Roman. He gave me a hopeful look.

"Maybe." I told him. "But wouldn't that just prove what they wrote on our lockers."

Roman looked down at the ground. Obviously he hadn't thought of that.

"Don't you have a girlfriend too?" I asked.

"No, Chloe broke up with me this morning." Roman informed me. "She didn't want to be with me in case I was gay." 

"Oh sorry." I said quickly.

"I don't mind. Didn't really like her anyways." Roman told me. "Never felt right. Than again it never feels right with any girl I date."

"Oh?"  I asked.  Roman isn't gay is he?  That would be amazing-NO!  I'm not falling for him. 

"I know this is kinda straightforward consider we just became friends,"  Started Roman.  "But I do think I might be gay." 

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