Remember me

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I have some things to explain about this book

A lot of you guys were commenting about why everyone instantly flipped on Roman when Virgil originally said Roman cheated on him with Jackson

Roman is the most popular guy in their grade and the rest of them are just loners and at the bottom of the social hierarchy

Suddenly he's dating Virgil, an emo outcast, and hanging out with them

Kinda suspicious

So when Virgil said Roman cheated on him with Jackson, they were like oh yea makes sense now, this was all a joke


I should die

TRIGGER WARNINGS : talks about cutting and abuse

Virgil POV
It felt as if my eyelids weighed a thousand pounds. I slowly came too but I couldn't open my eyes.

I could faintly feel a hand, or something, resting in mine. Also a dull pain in my entire leg. And a pounding headache.

My grip tightening on Whatever was in my hand, anything to keep me in reality.  I opened my eyes slowly and saw Roman.

"Where...Where am I?"  I mumbled, my voice incredibly raspy. 

"The hospital,"  Roman mumbled. 

I stared at him for a moment, trying to think, to remember.  But everything from today was nothing in my Memories after seeing Roman...

"Don't fucking touch me,"  I hissed out, quickly yanking my hand from Romans.  "Get the hell away from me."

"No Virgil, this is a misunderstanding,"  Roman begged, I could hear his voice cracking.  "You just saw it wrong."

"Shut up,"  I whispered, I tried to roll onto my side so I didn't have to look at him.  But sharp pain shot up my leg. 

"Virgil, please,"  He pleaded, sitting on the bed.  I tried to shove him off but I was too weak to do so. 

"Get away from me asshole,"  I hissed at him. 

Roman looked at me with a totally broken look in his eyes.  Pain and sadness flickered through them.

He pulled his phone from his pocket and pulled up a video on the screen.  He pressed the play button and turned it towards me.

I watched silently, staring silent daggers at him still.  The video started with Remus in an alley store turning towards Roman and Jackson fighting.

They were screaming at each other and then screaming turned to physically fighting.  Roman had Jackson shoved against the wall, poised to punch him when Jackson kissed him.  I could see the faint outline of myself looking around the corner.  Roman pulled away quickly and started screaming.  Jackson that proceeded to try and force himself on Roman until Roman punched him and ran. 

I just stared at the screen in shock.  And then I started crying.

"I'm sorry,"  I cried.  "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault baby,"  Roman told me, quickly pulling the phone away.  He moved up the hospital bed and cuddled me.

We stayed there like that for a while.  Me just sobbing in his shoulder while Roman comforts me. 

"What...what happened?"  I asked.  "I don't remember anything after and Jackson..."

"You don't?"  He asked cautiously.


"Um, well, you took all your stuff and went home.  I followed you and we talked and ended up in the forest.   We were just kinda hanging out and things were fine and we ended up at Opal Gorge and you slipped.  You...fell off the bridge."  Roman said slowly, there was pain in his eyes.

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