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Recap: (Chapter 12)

Moving along with the crowd, the group found themselves in another part of the town uniformly decorated as the last.

“That was great!" Bethany shrieked, pure excitement evident on her face.

“That was something, ” Oliver agreed, a warm smile dancing at his lips.

In the crowd stood a figure monitoring each movement they made, blending in with the performers; they had their own mask hiding their facial features.

The gang was too oblivious to realize that trouble was lurking in the shadows— waiting for the perfect time to attack.


Streets of Gleam Canyon
20:09 pm

It had been almost 2 hours since the gang had decided to join the rest of the town in celebrating Japanese New year.

They had danced, or at least in Oliver's case mimicked the dancers’ moves. Calvin considered himself too macho to dance with the rest of the gang and said, “that's not my style, I'll sit this one out,” not even the disappointed look on Melany's face could change his mind.

Disbanding from the group Calvin went on his way. He knew he couldn't keep the pretense for much longer, reaching into his pocket he got out the piece of paper that had numbers neatly handwritten.

Dialing up the number, he didn't get the chance to send a word in as a sharp pain shot through his neck.

Stumbling backward, he gripped his neck painfully trying to ease the irritation. The more he did so, the more difficult it was to stand still and keep a focused vision.

“Sergeant Cole, hello...” the voice on the other end poured out of the phone speakers.

Dread filled Calvin's body. His body was getting limp with each ticking second, his tongue acted as a barrier for words that attempted to escape his voice box as it swelled up.

“Hello... Who is this?” Sergeant Cole questioned when he didn't receive any response.


Throwing the phone against the nearby wall, the cell shattered into tiny pieces cutting off Cole's words.

“Boss is not going to be happy about what you tried to do, Vinny!” The masked individual whispered lowly into Calvin's ear.

His eyes widened in recognition of the voice, his body slumped to the pavement as all his energy seeped through his pores.

With a final glance at the blurry, dark figure beside him, his eyes involuntarily closed drawing him into darkness.

“What would you like to eat?” Jared questioned.

After a long day of celebrating the Japanese New year, they were both famished.

Emily couldn't imagine the last time she enjoyed herself on a date. Jared was different from all the other guys she had agreed to go out with— for one, he treated her with the respect she deserved. He was mature, something most guys seemed to lack.

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