19 ° Together

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"I think we are gonna take an evening walk along the beach." Jisung announced as they were having some snacks together at Johnny and Ten's room.

"Hmm?" Johnny hummed in a asking manner

"Yeah... Shan't we? I mean we were in our room all day soo..." Jisung said again.

"I mean sure.. but don't stay out too long."

Jisung smiled as he leaned his back on Chenle's body who was sitting behind him. "What do you say?" He asked looking at the boy. Chenle smiled approvingly.


"So why did you exactly want to be here? There's no on here except us." Chenle asked as he walked slowly, Jisung walking at a certain distance behind him.

"No reason. Should there be a reason to be alone with my boyfriend. And who said there's no one? Look at the sky and see how many starts are looking at us." Jisung spoke, he knew Chenle was blushing. He walked fast and stood in front of Chenle and started to walk backwards.

"Hey careful, you might stumble."

"Won't you catch me if I do?" Asked Jisung, still walking backwards.

"No." Chenle cutely said, sticking out of his tongue and Jisung laughed.

They continued walking like that until Jisung abruptly stopped and pulled Chenle in his chest, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist. Chenle's hands rested on Jisung's chest, as they stared deeply into each other's eyes.

"I still can't believe this." Chenle stated. Jisung smiled.

"But this is reality." Jisung smiled. "I don't want any of us to get awkward around each other though."

"Will things change between you and me?" Chenle asked.

"I don't know. But kissing you will definitely be added up to my clinginess." Jisung laughed while Chenle rolled his eyes.

"When are you planning to tell them?"

"When you will want me to."

Chenle smiled and wrapped his arms around Jisung's neck, resting his head on his chest. "I just want a hug right now." He mumbled slowly.

Jisung tightened the hold and rested his chin on Chenle's head and rocked them side to side. The cool sea breeze often passed by them and ruffled their hairs.

"Let's go inside now." Jisung spoke after about 10 minutes later and Chenle hummed.

"Hey did you fall asleep? We didn't even have dinner yet, you can't sleep."

Chenle hummed again.

"This baby I swear." Jisung stood them up properly and saw Chenle about to fall asleep. 'No no no he can't just sleep like this.' He then crouched down and told Chenle to hop on his back who in return just bent down and wrapped his arms around Jisung's neck. Jisung shook his head. He somehow managed to get Chenle on his back and walked to the hotel.


"We'll be skipping dinner." He said entering Johnny and Ten's room after knocking.

The couple eyed them. "He fell asleep, literally standing." Jisung rolled his eyes.

The elder couple chuckled. "Okay we won't disturb you. But just so you know, tomorrow will be the last day here, so everyone will be going to the beach."

"What this early??" Jisung complained.

"Don't you guys have homeworks and exams coming after the holidays?" Ten inquired.

Jisung rubbed his nape. "Okay. Wake us up in the morning. Good night."

The elder couple nodded and Jisung made his way towards their designated room shaking his head.


After reaching he gently placed Chenle on the bed. 'Should I change his clothes?' Jisung blushed at the thought and slapped himself, 'Stop your perverted thoughts, you are just gonna change his clothes, nothing more nothing less.'

Jisung took out Chenle's sleeping suits and busied himself changing Chenle into those. With a lot of effort he was done.

"Jeez I didn't know he literally becomes a stone when he sleeps." Jisung made a face.

Then he also changed his clothes and slowly got into the bed, lied down hugging Chenle tightly and closed his eyes after planting a kiss on Chenle's forehead and saying a good night.


This was the 19th chapter. Filler.

Published: 06-04-2020
Words: 694

Published: 06-04-2020Words: 694

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