7 ° Birthday

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"We're here." Jisung and Chenle entered the living room and was brought in a hug by Johnny and Ten both.

"Happy 14th birthday Jisungie." Ten said.

"Thank you." Jisung giggled.

"Now let's cut the cake." Johnny said letting go of the boys and went to bring the cake along with Ten.


"There's a card along with the present. Read it when I'm asleep though." Chenle said in a low tone.

"Thank you." Jisung pinched the boy's cheek and giggled.

"It's not much but I hope you like it." Chenle said, rubbing his nape.

"I definitely will, you don't need to say this every year Chenle." Jisung smiled at the boy widely.

"Ji, Chen, come here." Ten called them and the boys made their way to the dining table.

After reaching there Jisung was welcomed by confettis and happy birthday cheers. He jumped and suddenly hugged Chenle for a quick second before letting go and making his way to the cake. He just can't control his happiness.

"Can I eat the cake already?" Jisung said enthusiastically.

"Naww cut it before." Chenle scolded him cutely.

"Awwh ok ok." Jisung giggled before cutting the cake and feeding a piece of it to Chenle first, making Chenle smile and do the same to Jisung.

"Here's for you guys." Jisung fed Johnny and Ten from the same piece of the cake.

After that they all ate the cake, played some indoor games and had dinner with some homemade dish made by Ten and watched a movie, like the usual birthday they celebrate every year.

After the movie they all wished good nights to each other and made their way to their specific rooms.


"Lele." Jisung called the boy after they both were on the bed.

"I'm asleep." Chenle said and turned his back at Jisung with a fast beating heart.

Jisung laughed before he remembered the gift Chenle gave him. He smiled and opened it.

It was a sketch of him.

'Since when did he start sketching?' He thought looking at the sketch which was perfect. And there, was, a card along with it.

It was neatly decorated with glittery designs. Chenle stuck 3 polaroids they took when they went to Jeju for one summer vacation, and wrote some short paragraphs in it. But the card looked very cute.

"Jisung, happy birthday. This is a little gift from your best friend, I suppose, :) this is basically just me thanking you, which I'm unable to say in person."

Jisung smiled.

“The first day we met, wasn't that good, if I'm correct I was kind of rude too. I'm sorry. But you still hugged me that night. I'm thankful. You are very kind.”

“Thank you for always being by my side, everytime, and playing the big brother's role for me, even though I'm older than you. You, along with them, never let me feel lonely. You indeed are like a big brother to me. :) I really cherish it.”

“Thank you for being my best friend too, I don't understand how you understand me so well yet you are younger than me!! You are one of the best things that happened to me along with this family.”

“I'm really grateful towards you and this family. I hope we shall never be apart. Happy Birthday again, hope to celebrate it for more years :)”

“Uhm I couldn't really express my gratitude well, I'm sorry.”

“I told you to read this when I'm asleep, I guess you are, so... Good Night too :)”

“And Lots Of Love :)”


Jisung was slightly blushing at this point. He neatly packed the gift again and placed it in the bedside table for now. He lied down under the cover and moved towards Chenle. He back hugged the boy and nuzzled his face on his back.

"Good night to you too."

Chenle heard and smiled then closed his eyes to get some sleep as they both had school in the morning.


So this got long...

But don't forget to vote and and comment if you are enjoying :)

Published: 25-03-2020
Words: 680

Published: 25-03-2020Words: 680

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