2 ° Gloom

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The man came back after doing his works and crouched down in front of the boy.

"Do you have any relatives with whom you can live?" He asked softly holding the boys hands.

Chenle lowered his head and shook his head slowly. "My grandparents died long time ago and I have no uncle or aunts." He choked out again.

The man felt more sorry for the boy. He didn't want to ask the question but he still did, "Would you like to live with me and my son or in an orphanage?" He really felt guilty like the worst person for asking this kind of question.

"So I'm an orphan now?" Chenle's voice was merely a whisper which hurted the man more. He immediately embraced the little boy once again, "No no never, you are not an orphan. You don't have to go anywhere, you'll stay with us, this is your house from now on." He looked at the boy who has tears rolling down his cheeks and wiped them. "I will be your guardian, you are not an orphan." He smiled, "address me as a father or uncle or... Mr. Suh, whichever you are comfortable with." The gentle smile never left the man's face.

Chenle was able to calm down a little.

"What is your name?" The man asked softly again.

"Chenle, Zhong Chenle?"


Chenle nodded slightly in return.

The man smiled widely and looked at the other boy, who was sitting beside Chenle the whole time and just watching all the scenes, and said, " Jisung please cover your ears for a moment." Jisung did as he was told and the man smiled gratefully at the boy and spoke again, "This is Park Jisung, my son, well my sister's, but his mom died a long time ago and his father abandoned him." He stopped, remembering the incident.

Chenle also became sad a bit more, hearing about the other boy, who looked younger than him. "Papa?" The boy, Jisung, spoke and the man shook his head, smiling at Jisung. (Jisung was still covering his ears.)

"I shouldn't be thinking of that." The man sighed, closing his eyes and then again looked at Chenle. "I take care of him from when he was this little (the man gestured with his hand). You might want to be friends with him!" The man wanted to cheer up the boy a little, he knew, a company for the sad boy will do, or so he thought.

He looked at Jisung again, and gestured that he can uncover his ears.

Chenle looked at the other boy and just stared who was also staring at him, Jisung, shortly waved his hand and smiled a little, but seeing no reactions from Chenle, his smile slowly faded and his hand dropped on his lap. After listening to all the things from his father and the boy, he felt sad too. But he couldn't do anything as of the moment.

"Chenle!!" The man spoke, sensing the situation.

The boy turned his attention to the man again.

"What is your favorite food?"

The boy only stared before speaking, "Anything will be fine sir." Tears rolled down again.

"Oh dear don't cry please. I'll be quick to make us dinner." He wiped the tears on Chenle's cheeks and caressed his head. Placing a kiss on the boy's forehead and smiling, he got up and walked away to make dinner.

Two boys sat there again, silence filling the place.


So this is the second chapter.

Things will get better I promise. 😩

Hope you liked this chapter.

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