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Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry." Taehyung sniffled, leaning forward against her chest. Seraphine wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held him tightly, whispering into his ear.

"I love you, so it's okay."

"I-It's my fault that you're hurt." Taehyung said, sniffing up snot and grimacing when it slipped down his throat in a clump of ew.

"They're just a few scratches. I'm fine."

"Let me get the med kit." Taehyung said. Seraphine released him from her hold and he wandered off into the bathroom and she finished sweeping, ignoring the twinges of pain in her foot. Luckily she had only taken one step forward so it was only one foot that was slightly injured. She'd be able to walk around perfectly fine on her own.

Something Taehyung always found to be calming was cooking. Hearing the sizzle of grease popping in a hot pan while the delicious aroma of a tasty meal wafted through the air was relaxing, and the satisfying slice of a sharp knife cutting straight through a crunchy vegetable was just as soothing as sprinkling the fine dust of salt over a completed dish. He was able to shut most things out when he cooked, including his own thoughts. The only things running through his head was the recipe he was recreating and the soft tune of a classical song.

Seraphine sat at the counter, watching Taehyung shimmy around the kitchen as he cooked with a smile on her face, patiently waiting for her early dinner. It smelt amazing and her mouth watered and the peaceful atmosphere made her completely forget about the event that occurred hours ago.

Seeing Taehyung in a natural element such as this made her heart squeeze happily. He looked normal and she wanted that for him more than anything. She wanted him to be able to cook a meal and eat it with a family or a groups of friends as if it were a tradition. She wanted him to live a normal life, by himself, with no crazy psychotic killers lurking within his mind.

Taehyung plated what he cooked up and slid a plate over to Seraphine who instantly picked up her fork and dug in, making sure to blow on the steaming meat. Taehyung stood across the counter, his ankles crossed casually with the tips of his toes on one foot resting against the floor as he leaned over the edge, elbow on the countertop.

"No elbows on the table." Seraphine smirked.

"Thank god this isn't a table then, huh?"

"Asshole." Seraphine laughed. They ate in silence, filling their tummies with yummy food, and when they finished, Taehyung collected their plates and placed them in the sink to wash later. "Your shift starts soon, doesn't it?"

"Yep." Taehyung said, seemingly exhausted already.

"You gonna be alright?"

"Hopefully." Taehyung said, giving an attempt to smile though it came out a bit wobbly. "He usually doesn't bother me at work much."

"Maybe that's his time to devise all his big plans." Seraphine said. Taehyung shrugged and rounded the counter, reaching for her chin to pull her into a kiss. She smiled against his lips, and when she pulled back she smiled too. "See you later?"

Taehyung nodded slowly and blinked, then blinked again, his long lashes fluttering unevenly, and he cleared his throat, looking a little confused himself. Seraphine frowned, also puzzled, watching his face pale slightly.

"Taehyung?" She said, worriedly reaching out to steady him. Taehyung's eyes rolled backwards into his skull and then he became a dead weight and Seraphine wasn't strong enough to hold him up, especially with the lousy grip she had on his arm coupled with her panicked surprise, so he collapsed, landing with a thud.

Seraphine felt her heart stop and she dropped next to him, shaking his shoulders.

"T-Taehyung?" She called out, voice wavering.

This wasn't an episode, and she knew it wasn't because he didn't show the signs of it. There was no way.

This was something different.



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