"A wolf-bit you?" Stiles asked.

"Honey, wolves haven't been in California for a long time," Haven chimed in, the three of them falling in a line as they walked towards the doors to our school.

"Yeah, not a chance," Stiles said.

"I heard a wolf howling."

"California hasn't had wolves for like sixty years," Haven said.

"Really?" Scott asked, and Stiles and Haven nodded.

"Well, if you guys don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe me about when I tell you I found the body," Scott added.

"You—Are you kidding me?" Stiles asked, getting excited.

"A dead body. I am friends with two idiots who get excited over finding dead bodies. Yup, this is definitely not the life I signed up for. I would like to retract whatever contract I signed—" haven started to rant, but she only trailed off when she realized neither of them were paying attention to her monologue as they continued to talk about the dead body.

"—best thing to happen to this town since..." Stiles himself trailed off, staring at something behind her, and Haven turned to see the Strawberry Blonde queen herself walking towards the school door. "...the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey, Lydia... you look..."

She kept walking, not even noticing Stiles.

"...like you're gonna ignore me."

"You're the cause of this, yanno?" Stiles accused Scott. "Dragging me down to your nerd depths. I'm a nerd by association. I've been Scarlet-nerded by you."

Scott just kept nodding and saying, "Uh huh," to Stiles as the bell rang, the three of them making our way into the school building, Scott in the middle of the two of Stiles and Haven with the girl's arms linked around the McCall boy's arm.

"Also, you can't retract whatever contract you signed," Stiles said, glancing over Scott to look at their girl friend, showing her he actually had been listening to what she was saying. "You're stuck with us."


In English, everyone was practically spacing out from how boring it was, but thankfully, Haven had that period with Scott and Stiles. Her eyes were glued to the McCall boy in front of her, who was fidgeting more than normal in his seat. There was two things Haven knew about her friends: Stiles was the one with ADHD and Scott had asthma, yet Stiles was sitting almost perfectly still and Scott looked ready to run out of there on all fours.

The Principal came inside with a girl, introducing her as the new student, Allison Argent. When she sat in the empty seat behind Scott, he picked up one of his pens and handed it to her, not even saying a word when he did it.

Haven furrowed my eyebrows at him, but his lovestruck gaze said it all. Homeboy had a crush.

And suddenly Haven's mood was turning sour.


At their lockers, Haven watched as Scott stared at Allison, who was talking with Lydia.

Great, my two best friend's crushes are now friends, Haven thought as she slammed her door shut, getting Scott's attention at the loud noise, which also made Stiles jump.

"Easy there, tiger," he said, a small laugh following. He frowned when he noticed her unreadable expression. "What's up, Hav?"

Haven didn't speak, and was practically saved from spilling her brains when a classmate of theirs asked, "Can someone tell me how New Girl is here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?"

"Because she's hot," was Stiles' response. "Beautiful people herd together."

Before wandering off, the same classmate said, "Then why is Haven here with you two and not with Lydia and Allison?"

Haven stifled a laugh, that comment actually making her smile as the girl beamed at her and walked off. She looked at her two best friends, Stiles glaring at her for finding the insult to them funny.

"So... you coming to watch practice?" Stiles asked Haven, but she was too busy watching Scott watch Allison with a smile to pay attention to anything he was saying.

Stiles looked down while pressing his lips together in a line, knowing what was probably going through Haven's mind watching Scott.

He grabbed her arm, catching her attention this time.

"Wanna put your things in my car for now?" he asked, earning a confused look from her. "I'm giving you a ride after my lacrosse practice, right?"

"Oh, y-yeah," she nodded, shaking her head as she caught on to what he was talking about. "Yeah, that'd be great."

"We'll be back, I'll meet you on the field," Stiles told Scott, who nodded absentmindedly as his two friends walked away.

Haven was walking in front of Stiles, who had a hand on her back as they maneuvered through the crowd of students. When they got to Stiles' car, he opened the trunk for her to throw her backpack into.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah, of course," she brushed it off.

"Bullshit, Hav," Stiles shook his head.

She sighed, turning to face him after closing the door, leaning on the car. "What do you want me to say?"

"That it hurts you," Stiles said. "Seeing him have a crush on someone."

"Sometimes I regret telling you I like Scott," the girl mumbled.

"That makes two of us," nodded the boy in the plaid shirt, and Haven glared up at him. "What? I have to sit here all of the time wondering why do you still..."

When he didn't finish his sentence, Haven said, "Wondering why do I still? What? Like him?"

"He has an uneven jaw line," Stiles said, putting emphasis on every word.

"C'mon, you're gonna be late for practice," she said, moving between the small gap between the car and Stiles.

He grabbed her wrist, pulling her back for a hug.

"Okay, now we can go before I'm late for practice," he said, making her laugh as they made their way to the locker rooms so Stiles could change into his lacrosse uniform.

WHY DO I STILL? | stiles stilinski v. isaac laheyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu