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btw nicks biggest insecurity actually is his weight even tho he's perfect. he mentioned it in his first YouTube video.💞
Nick's POV:

I woke up in Tony's arms. He was snoring softly. I gently shook him to get him up. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. "Morning guys!" Thomas said walking through the door, uninvited. "May we help you?" Tony asked sitting up. I only realised he was shirtless then, I stared at him making him blush. "Whenever your done admiring each other, come downstairs. Ryland made pancakes." He said walking out. Tony rubbed his eyes and rolled out of bed. I followed behind him. He put on a shirt and grabbed my hand, leading me out of the room. We walked downstairs and sat at the table. Alex passed us some pancakes and we ate. They were surprisingly good. When I was finished, I walked over to the couch. Tony came over when he was finished too. Everyone was chilling on the couches. "Guys, do you think I should make a YouTube video explaining what Amelie and Maya said?" Tony asked. "You should if you want to, I'll help you because you helped me." I suggested. "Thanks Nick." Tony said with a warm smile. "First on my list of today is to go live, I swear to god if there's any drama." Tony said gritting his teeth. "Relax T." I said softly. He took a deep breath and started the live. "Heyyyy." He said when he started the live. He was on the floor so I sat on the couch behind him. "So basically, I'll be posting a video on YouTube later just to sit down and explain things." He said scrolling through comments. "Tell Nick he's beautiful." Tony said reading out a comment. "Nick your beautiful." He said laughing. "Thank you very much." I said looking at the camera. "Everyone's basically gone home cause of corona." He replied to a comment. "Ok let's play the emoji game, first person to get the teddy bear emoji gets a follow." Tony said. That was my favourite emoji. "Ok, @nickaustinisbae you get a follow." He said tapping his screen. "I smiled at the username. "Nick, people want you to answer some questions." Tony said looking up at me. "I'm down." I said moving to the floor. "First question, morning or night person?" He asked looking at the questions. "100% night person." I replied. "Ok, what's your biggest insecurity?" He asked. I sighed. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to." He reminded me. "No it's ok, I'll tell you guys." I said. "My biggest insecurity is probably how skinny I am, I've always tried to gain weight but I couldn't." I said sadly. Tony gave me a sad look. I smiled slightly in return. "Next question is do you still have feelings for Amelie?" Tony asked, knowing the answer to the question. "Nope, trust me they left a longggg time ago." I said emphasising the long. "Oh shit guys we have to go, bye!" Tony said ending the live. "Why'd you end it?" I asked laughing slightly. "Cause I can't do this on a live." He said as he kissed me. "Fair point." I chuckled softly. "Plus I just wanted to tell you I think your perfect, your weight is no problem to me." He said hugging me. "Thanks, never heard that before." I said sitting on the couch. "You mean Amelie never said it to you?" He asked confused. "No, she always told me I needed to gain weight. She always called me chopstick and pencil boy or something." I sighed. Tony put his arms around me. "I'd never say anything like that." He said caressing my arm. I smiled and put my head on his shoulder. Tony was about to press start on the camera but I grabbed his wrist before he could. "Everything ok?" He asked. "Yeah." I replied before I kissed him. We pulled away and he started the camera. "What's up guys, it's Tony. I have a confession to make, so eh. Your right this is hard to say!" He said looking at me. I laughed and nodded. "So on Chase's live yesterday Maya and Amelie came into the house looking for us. They walked over to me and Nick, because we were um-," before he finished he looked at me for approval. I nodded. "We were cuddling on the couch. They came up and did not approve, then they decided they would out me in front of 15k people. So yes, it's true, I am bi." He sighed. I put my head on his shoulder in a comforting way. "I didn't plan on coming out this soon but I guess it's a little late now." He shrugged. "Anyways, if any of you were wondering, yes I do have a crush on a guy right now. I'm not gonna say who, but yes they know." He said nudging me slightly. I smirked.
Tony's POV:

When I ended the video Nick sat behind me and put his arms around my shoulders. I leaned my head back against his shoulders. I sighed. "Wanna go get something to eat?" He asked nuzzling his face into my neck. "Yeah, just need to do one thing." I said. "Do what?" He asked. "This." I said grabbing his face and kissing him. He came and sat next to me, not breaking away from the kiss. "He put his hands on either side of my face deepening the kiss. "We're getting chic fil a you want som- shit sorry!" Kouvr said walking in without knocking. We both jumped back blushing. "I'm so sorry guys!" She said guiltily. "It's ok." I said avoiding eye contact with her. Nick said nothing, he just sat there covering his face with his hands. "Do you guys want chic fil a?" Kouvr asked shyly. "Yeah, can you get us our usuals?" I asked walking over to Nick to make him feel better. Kouvr scooted out of the room, but we could hear her talking to Alex. "Kouvr why do you look so guilty? What did you do?" He asked suspiciously. "I walked in on them kissing, I didn't mean to." We heard her reply softly. "Was it cute at least?" Alex asked. "Extremely." She replied a little louder. I sat against the wall and put my arms out and he came into them. He laid on top of me and nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck again. He wrapped his legs around my waist and I put my arms around him. "After we eat I wanna take you somewhere." I whispered in his ear. I felt him smile against my neck. "Guys foods here!" We heard Thomas yell. "Let's go." I said as he got up off me. He walked really close to me, he hid his face in my shoulder. When we got down Kouvr avoided eye contact with us. Thomas mouthed 'is he ok?' at me. I nodded and got me and Nick's food. We sat down on the couch and Nick still hid his face in my shoulder. I put an arm around him and kissed his forehead. "Nick are you ok?" Chase asked with a sympathetic look. Nick whispered in my ear asking me to tell them about what happened. "He said he's just a little embarrassed, that's all." I said as he moved closer to me. "Oh." Kouvr said. "He said it's ok." I said caressing his hand. He intertwined our fingers. I could see everyone smiling slightly. "You wanna go now." I said so only he could hear. He nodded and we stood up. "We'll be back later guys." I said keeping our hands intertwined and walked out the door. I was going to ask him if he wanted to be my boyfriend, so I brought him to my favourite spot. I brought him to the Hollywood sign. "I have a very important question for you." I said. He nodded and smiled. "I really like you, so i was wondering. Nick Austin, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked shyly.
Nick's POV:

"Nick Austin, will you be my boyfriend?" He asked shyly. I smiled widely. "I'd love to!" I exclaimed kissing him. He kissed back and hugged me. "Glad you said yes." He said as we pressed our foreheads together. "Same." I said and pecked his lips. We watched the sunset for a bit then we walked back to the Hype House hand in hand. "We're back." I said as we walked in the door. Everyone was looking at our hands. "Where'd you guys go?" Calvin asked. "Hollywood sign." I replied putting my legs on either side of his waist and putting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me. They all looked at us smiling. We heard someone take a picture of us. "The cutest pic of you two." Kouvr said looking at her phone. "Send that to me." I said to her.
Kouvr's POV:

Tony and Nick fell asleep cuddled up with each other on the couch. It was too cute not to take another picture. I took one and sent it to the Hype House group chat.
Charli🍩- omg cuteness overload🤩
Chase😌- it's ten times cuter in person☺️
Dixie💎- I wish I was there🥺
They stayed on the couch for the rest of the night. Me and the others went to our rooms to sleep because it was 2am, even though me and Alex didn't end up going to sleep til about 5am.
Word count: 1598 words

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