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was kinda scared what y'all were gonna do to me so here ya go, enjoy😓

Nick's PoV:

"I swear to god I'm going to kill Maya for ruining my perfect plan, good thing we moved to a much safer location." Amelie said like the crazy bitch she is. "The fans have been wondering where you are so I'm going to go live and you're going to say your fine, understand?" She said sternly. I nodded because I had been forbidden to speak unless given permission. She still starved me only giving me scraps of food. I got no sleep either. Amelie put foundation on my face to make me look less pale and concealer under my eyes to hide the obvious bags. "What's up guys it's Amelie!" She said starting the live. I let out a small whimper as she held the tip of a knife against my back. She put a little pressure on it signalling for me to speak. "Sorry, something bit me." I mumbled with a fake smile. She put more pressure on the knife telling me to keep speaking. "So a lot of you were wondering where I am right now, I'm taking a little break from social media because I was sho-," I shrieked as Amelie dug the knife into my skin a little, making a small scar. She glared at me daring me to say I was shot. "Sorry, I don't know what happened there. Anyways, I was getting a lot of hate so I need some time to myself for a while." I said as tears began to form in my eyes, only because I was thinking of Tony. Amelie told me they didn't care about me and wouldn't come to help me. I knew she was right.

Tony's PoV:

"Agent Jones, they're live!" I yelled as I clicked on Amelie's live. We had informed the FBI about Nick's disappearance and how Amelie was his crazy ex girlfriend. Nick looked like he was in pain. "So a lot of people were wondering where I am right now, I'm taking a little break from social media because I was sho-," Nick said before he screamed a little. My heart dropped when I saw what happened. I don't think Amelie knew but the knife she was holding was very visible. She had it pressed against MY boyfriends back. "Agent Castellan, track where they're live from. Immediately." One of the agents ordered. I handed the phone to Thomas and fell to the floor. I had my head in my hands. "It's all my fault, all my fucking fault!" I yelled as I pulled on my hair so hard I thought it would all fall out. Kouvr sat next to me and hugged me. I cried into her shoulder as she kept whispering it would be ok. "I forgot to ask this, but what's your relation to Nick Austin?" Agent Jones said holding a clipboard. "We're his roommates and friends." Thomas said gesturing to everyone but me. "Are you his brother?" He asked me. "No, I'm his boyfriend." I said wiping my eyes. "We will do our best to find him, I promise." The agent assured me. One of the other agents said she got a location. They all prepared to leave. We all went with them. Once we arrived they pounded on the door. No answer. After a few knocks they decided to just kick it open. They raided the place but couldn't find them. "Check the basement!" Thomas yelled as they kicked the door down. Sure enough there they were, except Amelie had a knife to Nick's neck. "Baby!" I cried as I looked at him. "Tony.." He winced as Amelie dug the knife into his skin a little. "Nobody move or Nick loses his life." Amelie said with a disturbing smile. "You fucking psycho!" I yelled as I began crying. "Watch your tone, or watch your little boyfriend bleed to death." She said as she cut Nick's neck slightly. "Zilber, we can work things out. Drop the weapon and let Nick go." One of the agents said calmly. "Shut the fuck up! You don't get it, Nick is mine! And if I can't have him nobody can!" Amelie said as she stabbed Nick in the chest. She ran out the basement door as Nick dropped to the floor. "Nick! Please baby stay with me, I love you so fucking much!" I cried dropping onto my knees next to him. "I love you so much, never forget that." Nick said as he lost consciousness. "Call the paramedics and don't let her get away!" An agent yelled as I lifted Nick's head into my lap. "Baby, please don't go." I whispered as I began crying even more. Ondreaz had an arm wrapped around me as I silently cried into his shoulder. Once the paramedics came they let me ride in the ambulance with Nick. He was rushed into surgery again with an extreme loss of blood. We waited in the waiting room hoping for good news, I needed him to be ok. I'd never be able to survive without him. Nick's parents walked into the hospital with bored expressions. "You're my sons boyfriend, aren't you?" His father scoffed at me. "Yes, I am." I replied balling my fists remembering what they said to Nick. "If he dies we get to collect insurance so, keeping my hopes up." His mom said with her fingers crossed. "What the fuck did you just say?! How could you think about that, the love of my life is in there fighting for his life and you're thinking about money?! Get the fuck out of here!" I yelled, letting all my anger out on them. They scoffed at me before exiting the hospital. The entire waiting room was staring at me. I was breathing heavily. Ondreaz grabbed my shoulder and sat me down next to him. I leaned my head on his shoulder and cried. The doctor came out of a room with a clipboard. "Who's here for Nick Austin?" He asked. We stood up in front of him, waiting. "Well.." he began.

ceo of cliffhangers🌝 n e wayz hope you enjoyed this mess i call a fanfic🌞 bye for now😌

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