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Tony's POV:

I woke up at 11am and walked to the kitchen. Pretty much all of the house was asleep so I sat on the couch and scrolled through TikTok. "Hey." A shirtless Nick said walking into the kitchen. I blushed. "Morning." I replied. "Did you eat anything?" He asked me. "Nah not yet." I said. He nodded and sat down on the couch next to me. "Wanna make a TikTok?" He asked. "Sure." I responded. We did the sound 'your so bad and baby I want you so bad' and posted it. There were comments like 'Tony was really into it' and 'Nick enjoyed this'. We both laughed then sat on the couch. Then the girls came in laughing at something. "Hey guys." They all said smirking. "Hey." Nick said confused. "Hey." I said blushing. "Thomas wanted us to tell you that we're having a party tonight." Madi said. Me and Nick both nodded. "And we're all going out, so unless you have plans it's just the two of you today." Charli said. "Ok." Nick said. Then all the guys came in, they all got their stuff and left. It was just me and Nick. "I'm gonna go upstairs and get dressed" Nick said. I decided that I would get dressed to. But as I was walking up I crashed straight into Nick. "I uh, forgot my phone."  He said nervously. "I was just gonna get ready." I said awkwardly. I dashed up the stairs. Why do I always crash into him? Once I was finished getting ready I walked back downstairs  and saw Nick on the couch about to watch a movie. "You wanna watch?" He asked. "Yeah." I replied. I sat next to Nick on the couch. "What movie?" I asked. "It, that ok?" Nick asked. "Ok." I said. Why is it whenever I talk to him it's so awkward? I thought. As we were watching the movie I got a text. "Sorry." I apologised.
Vani💞- hows it going with Nick?😉
Tony-🚁 we're watching a movie
Vani💞- ooo what movie!😘😘
Tony🚁- It 🤡
Vani💞- cool🙃
"Who's texting?" Nick asked. "Just Avani, she wanted to know if we were ok." I replied, turning off my phone. Nick nodded and got up. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Nick said pausing the movie. I was scrolling through TikTok waiting for him. I looked at the comments from the TikTok we posted earlier. There were lots of comments about people shipping us. I went onto my following page and saw a TikTok Nick made. It was one were he was letting his chain dangle above the screen. I watched it and liked it. Then I went into his account and watched some of his TikToks.
Nick's POV:

As I was walking back from the bathroom I saw Tony going through my TikTok account. I smirked and walked over to him. "What you lookin at?" I asked innocently. "Oh um, nothing." He replied quickly turning his phone off. I smiled softly and unpaused the movie. We continued watching until it was over. After that we just went on our phones waiting for the others to come home. When they came back we started setting up for the party. It started at 8 and it was 6pm. I walked upstairs and changed, making sure I didn't go into the wrong room again. I walked downstairs to see people already arriving. I walked up to Chase and Tony and got a drink. "What's up?" I asked leaning against the table. "Tony's ex is here." Chase said. I felt a wave of jealousy wash over me. "You good bro?" Chase asked looking at my tensed face. "Yeah I'm good." I said relaxing. I heard the door open so I looked over. Amelie walked in holding hands with some random dude. "What the hell, it's been 24 hours!" I said to Chase and Tony. I walked over to where Amelie and her new boyfriend were standing. "You've moved on pretty quickly." I said with a disgusted tone. "You mean I upgraded?" She said with a smirk. "Hey dude, lay off my girl." The guy said putting his arm around her waist. A crowd was beginning to form around us. "Oh don't waste your time, she's not worth it. She'll do the same thing to you as she did to me." I said raising an eyebrow. Then he punched me in the nose. I punched him back. It started into a full blown fight. Tony and Chase ran over to break it up. Tony grabbed a hold of me and Chase got the other guy. "Alright dude, I think it's time I throw your ass out." Tomas said kicking the guy and Amelie out. Tony brought me to the kitchen because my face was bleeding and starting to swell. "You ok Nick?" Tony asked handing me a rag. "Yeah, I'm good, just my face hurts." I replied cleaning my face. "I'll get some ice." He said walking over to the freezer. He gave me the ice and I put it on my nose. "That feels better." I sighed. "Hey Nick, you ok?" Thomas asked coming into the kitchen. "Yeah I'm ok, I just hurt my nose and I think I got a black eye." I said pointing to my eye. "Guys wanna play truth or dare?" Dixie asked. "Again?" Ondreaz asked. "Well if you guys want to." Dixie said. We all agreed and walked into the living room, except Thomas and Ondreaz. "Ok Nick, since your injured you spin first." Chase said placing a bottle in the middle. I spun it and it landed on Dixie. "Truth or dare?" I asked wincing as I moved my face too quickly. "Truth." Dixie said. "Who do you have a crush on?" I asked moving the ice to my eye. "Griffin." Dixie said hiding her blush. "Ooooo!" We all said in unison. "Alright my turn." Dixie said spinning the bottle. It landed on Tony. "Ok Tony truth or dare?" Dixie asked him. "Dare." Tony said. "I dare you to kiss the first person you touch, in the dark." Dixie said. Tony accepted and I turned off the lights. I felt someone touch my back. "I touched someone." Tony yelled keeping his grip on me. Yes, me. Dixie turned on the lights and everyone stared at us. We both were blushing and looking away. "Well a dares a dare." Avani said with an evil grin. "Do you wanna do that again or-," but before he could finish I smashed my lips against his. "Awww!" Everyone said. The kiss only lasted for 5 seconds, but it was the best 5 seconds of my life. We both let go and blushed even more and sat down. Chase winked at me and all the girls were staring at Tony. There was an awkward silence before Thomas burst in. "Guys! You better come quick!" Thomas said out of breath. We all looked at each other but followed him. Amelie and Tony's ex Maya were standing in the middle of the room with their new boyfriends. "Where are they!" Maya was screaming frantically looking around the room. "Right here bitch." Tony said as the crowd made a path for us to walk up to them. "What are you still doing here?!" I yelled at Amelie's new boyfriend. "Just wanted to talk Nick, got a problem?" Amelie said with sass. I rolled my eyes. "I dumped you for a reason, you were clearly into someone else. I could see that. Which is why I cheated on you, multiple times. Because you were into-," I cut her off by putting my hand over her mouth. "You need to leave, all four of you. Now!" I said shoving their asses out the door. "Don't need to be so rude!" Maya said flipping her hair in my face. "Yeah yeah, just get out." I said shutting the door behind them. Everyone was staring at me, like everyone. "Well carry on!" I yelled causing everyone to return to what they were doing.
Tony's POV:

"Well carry on!" Nick yelled then left the room. Me and Chase looked at each other then went after him. When we caught up to him he was drinking leaning against the island in the kitchen. "Yo Nick, you never told me about how you liked someone while dating Amelie." Chase said raising his hands in the air. "That's because I hardly knew myself, it's all coming into perspective now." Nick said staring at his shoes. "Oh, ok then." Chase said. "Alright guys, we all gotta talk." Dixie said directing us back into the room we played truth or dare in. Me, Nick, Chase, Charli, Dixie, Madi, Addison, Thomas and Kouvr were in the room. "Ok Nick, you didn't tell anybody about how you liked someone else while dating Amelie. Care to explain?" Dixie asked. "The reason I didn't tell you guys is because I only found out recently, I didn't even know." Nick sighed. "Ok, so who was it?" Charli asked. I didn't want to know, it would make me feel jealous. "I'd rather not say." Nick said avoiding eye contact. "Guys shouldn't we be talking about how Tony and Nick just kissed?!" Avani asked pointing out the elephant in the room. Everybody's heads turned to face us. We blushed and looked away. "Soooo, how was it?" Madi asked like a 6th grader. We both stayed silent. "Oh come on, you guys kissed and won't say anything about it? Seriously guys, it's not the end of the world." Addison pointed out. We both nodded but still said nothing. "Did you enjoy it at least?" Charli asked. We both still said nothing. "Well your both blushing so I'll take that as a yes." Kouvr added. We both blushed even more. "Just admit it, you both liked it. Now let's get back to the party!" Thomas said. We all agreed and went back to the living room. I don't remember much but what I do remember is that I got really drunk.
Word count: 1678 words

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