a reminder♡

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you are beautiful, inside and out don't let anyone's words affect you, you are perfect in your own way. you are your own person don't let anyone bring you down! if you struggle with any of these you are beautiful, love yourself!

heterochromia iridium- your eyes are gorgeous! (i have this, one green and one blue!)
plus size- you are beautiful! don't let anyone say anything different!
underweight- you are beautiful! no matter what anyone says keep your head up!
being short or tall- there is no such thing as being too short or too tall! you are absolutely stunning no matter what!
acne- acne doesn't define you as a person, no matter what you will always be loved!
braces- braces are awesome! i love people who have braces, it's really cool!
glasses- it doesn't matter if people think you look strange or not! honestly, i think glasses are really cool and people look so pretty with or without them!
your skin color- your skin color doesn't make you different from anyone, all skin colors are beautiful to me!
a disability- i spent a year in a wheelchair after a dance accident, i can't imagine spending most of my life in one. but just because you need one does not make you different from anyone else!
alopecia- you are gorgeous! absolutely stunning, what's on the outside doesn't matter, it's what on the inside!
vitiligo- i think it's really awesome, you are unique and beautiful. don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

just know i will always love you and be here to talk if you need to! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

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