
890 34 33

tonick- monday
free day- tuesday
nessa mads- wednesday
free day - thursday
calvin x patty - friday
free day - saturday
josh x jaden - sunday
^^ schedule bc my updates are all over the place😳 is that new fanfics?👀 also please tell me how to improve on writing, updating and what ships you want me to write about. i really wanna make you guys happy so please tell me what you want to see🥺💕
Nick's PoV:

I'll admit, seeing Tony's parents so supportive made me a little bit jealous. Like, why can't my parents be like that? I don't think he knows how lucky he is to have such great parents. I felt my eyes begin to tear up. A tear slowly made its way down my cheek. Tony began moving a little bit. He looked at me then my tears. He pulled me closer to him and kissed my head. "What's wrong bubs?" He asked caressing my waist. "N-nothing." I stuttered. "Baby, it's not nothing if you're crying." He said gently. "I said it's nothing." I said raising my voice and getting up. I walked outside to the pool and sat on the edge. I heard Tony and Ondreaz leave the house together, probably a meeting or something. Kouvr came and sat next to me. "Everything all right?" She asked dipping her feet in the pool. "It's nothing." I mumbled. "It's not nothing if you're upset about it." She said putting a hand on my shoulder. "It made me sad seeing Tony's parents so supportive that he's dating me, why can't my parents be like that?" Tears filled my eyes and I looked down trying to hide them. "Oh Nick, it's ok. There's no need to be sad, I'm sure your parents will come around." She said hugging me. "I hope you're right." I sighed. We decided to watch Disney movies seemingly as both Tony and Alex were out. A couple of hours later Tony and Ondreaz came home. Tony walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind. He kissed my head and laid his head on my head. "Baby, why won't you tell me what's bothering you?" He asked softly. "Can we go upstairs?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed my hand. I said bye to Kouvr and let him drag me upstairs. "Now, tell me what's wrong." He said as he laid down. I put my head on his chest and sighed. "It hurt to see that your parents were so accepting and supportive, my parents hate me." I said as I began crying again. "I'm sorry they made you feel that way, you could always try talking to your mom or dad." He suggested. I decided I would call my dad, he would hopefully be more understanding. "Hi Dad." I said as he answered the phone. "Hello." He said coldly, I heard the tiniest bit of hurt in his voice. "Can you meet me outside the Hype House at 8, please?" I asked, hoping he would say yes. "Fine." He said before ending the call. "So?" Tony asked with a hopeful expression on his face. "He said he would meet me outside the house at 8." I sighed. He smiled and kissed my head. As the time edged closer to 8 pm I began getting nervous. I really hoped he'd accept the fact that I love Tony, even if he didn't I would still date him. Once it was 8 pm I exited the house and sat on the wall. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around. "Dad." I said coldly. He didn't say anything. "I-," I began but was interrupted by him hugging me. I was shocked but hugged him back. "Please forgive me, your mother forced me to say I didn't like the idea of you dating men." He cried into my shoulder. "Dad, are you serious?" I said as I began to cry. "Yes son, I don't care who you date. You're still you, my beautiful boy." I cried even more at his words. We hugged for a few seconds before pulling away. "May I properly meet your boyfriend?" He asked politely. I chuckled and led him inside. I saw Tony sitting on the couch looking anxious. He snapped his head around and I could see anger rising inside of him. I walked up to him and hugged him. I kissed his shoulder and he put his head on my head. "He wants to meet you." I whispered. "Really?" He asked quietly. "Yes." I said letting go and pulling him over to my dad. "Mr Austin." Tony said extending his hand out to my dad. He looked hella nervous. "Hello son, nice to meet you." My dad said smiling and pulling him into a hug. I could see the house watching from the stairs with shocked expressions. Tony looked shocked too, I smiled at him. "Well, it was nice meeting you. I must go, I'm staying in a hotel tonight. Bye everybody." My dad said as he shut the door. Tony looked over to me and I laughed. He pulled me over to him and kissed me. The whole house started taking pictures and videos. I pulled away and glared at them. "Y'all are so annoying, you know?"

word count: 884 words😎

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