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Tony's POV:

Nick had just posted his YouTube video. He was hyperventilating because he was scared of people's reactions. "Tony, will you please look at the comments first?" He asked looking at me. "Sure." I said taking his phone. People were saying 'omg that's amazing! congrats!' and 'we love you no matter what!' and I did see a few hate comments but I just deleted them. "Everyone supports you." I said handing his phone back. He scrolled through the comments and smiled. "Told you."I said with a smirk. We are both sitting on his bed just on our phones. 'I'm gonna tell him I'm not straight' I thought. "Hey Nick?" I asked getting his attention. "I'm about to tell you something, you can't tell anyone or judge me." I reminded him. He nodded. "I'm bi too." I said. Nick's eyes widened. "Number 1 I would never judge you and number 2 yeah I kind of knew." Nick said smiling. "What?! How?" I asked. "Bitch we've kissed twice, I think I got the memo." He said pursing his lips. "Oh yeah." I said stupidly. "Jesus, I'm not that dumb." He said waving his hands around in the air. I laughed. "Anyways, who knows?" He asked. "Remember that time when me and the girls went upstairs and were talking about something?" I asked. "Yeah, that was a confusing time." He said. "Well I told them then, and who I liked." I said. Nick's face dropped. "Oh, so who do you like?" He sighed. "I don't know if I should tell you." I said teasingly. "Oh come on!" He whined. "Fine, but you have to promise that you'll always be my best friend, understand?" I asked. "Cross my heart, now tell me!" He pouted. "I'm gonna describe him. He's cute, has chocolate brown eyes, his hair is adorable, his smile is everything, he's basically the definition of cute, he's 5'11, he looks a lot like Ryland Storms, his favourite emoji is the teddy bear, his first name begins with the letter 'n', his last name begins with the letter 'a' and did I mention he's cute?" I said. Nick looked confused. "Who is it?" He asked with a puzzled look on his face. "Jesus Christ Nick!" I said slapping my forehead. "What?!" He asked looking around frantically. "It's you!" I blurted out. My face suddenly became red. I lowered my head and played with my thumbs. Nick lifted my chin up to make me look at him. "Now can I describe who I like?" He asked softly. I nodded. "He has hazel eyes, black curly hair, his smile melts my heart, I love watching him dance, he's really cute, his first name begins with the letter 't' and his last name begins with the letter 'l'. Any ideas?" He asked smiling softly. I shook my head. "Now whose the dumbass?" He asked making me pout. "It's you Tony, it's always been you." He said blushing slightly. I smiled and leaned in. He leaned in too. Our lips collided, moving in perfect sync. We both broke away and pressed our foreheads together. The I got a text. "Way to ruin the moment." I groaned. Nick laughed softly and leaned back.
Thomas🤩- yk the only reason we all left was so you and nick could be alone😉🤫
Tony🚁- !!😡
Thomas🤩- did it work?
Tony🚁- did what work?
Thomas🤩- you and nick, did you tell each other you liked one another?
Tony🚁- idk maybe😏🤷‍♀️
Thomas🤩- your telling us everything later!
Read 1:30 p.m
Nick's POV:

Tony told me liked me. He told me he fucking likes me. I leaned back against the wall while he was texting. He put his phone down and turned to face me. It was silent. Not an awkward silence, a peaceful silence. "We're home!" Thomas yelled. I looked at him then walked downstairs, him following close behind. "Here's your drinks." Chase said smirking at us. "What?" I asked. "So what'd we miss?" Thomas said staring at us waiting. "Not a lot." Tony shrugged. "Come on, spit it out!" Chase whined. "That's for us to know and for you to find out." I said grabbing Tony's hand and leading him upstairs. "We'll find out eventually!" Thomas yelled after us. We both laughed and went back into my room. "Hey guys." Addison said coming in. "Hey Addi." Tony said. "I'm going back home tonight, just wanted to say goodbye." She sighed. We both hugged her and she left. "There's basically no one home now." Tony said. "I know, it's gonna be so quiet." I said. "Wanna watch a movie or something?" I asked. He nodded and I got my laptop. We decided to watch Stranger Things. Halfway through the episode he put his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I took a selfie without him knowing. I put my head on his head and fell asleep too.
Chase's POV:

Me and Thomas went to go find Nick and Tony. We eventually found them in me and Nick's room. They were both asleep with Tony's head on Nick's shoulder and Nick's head on Tony's head. We took pictures of them and send them to the Hype House group chat. Then we left the room to let them sleep in peace.
Nick's POV:

I woke up and realised it was dark outside. I shook Tony lightly to wake him up. He looked out the window and saw it was dark. We both stood up and walked downstairs. "Good evening guys." Chase said smirking evilly. "What did you do" I asked suspiciously. "Oh you know, just took pictures of you guys sleeping." He shrugged. "Ok then, not creepy at all." I said sarcastically. We walked outside to see Thomas cooking food on the barbecue. "Dinners almost done." He said looking at us. "Oh and Addisons gone home." Ondreaz said walking over. "We know." Tony said. "Anybody wanna go for a swim?" Chase asked. We all agreed and got swimsuits on. We jumped in the pool and swam around for a bit. When the food was cooked we all got out and ate. I went to get a drink in the kitchen. When I turned around I saw Chase standing there. "Jesus Christ! You scared the hell outta me!" I yelled. "What happened with you and Tony when we left?" He asked leaning against the counter. "Nothing." I asked trying to leave. "I can tell when your lying." He said pushing me back. "Ugh you know me too well." I groaned. "Just tell me, I won't tell anyone." Chase said. "I told Tony I like him." I admitted. I wasn't going to out Tony so I didn't add the rest. "What did he say?" He asked but I changed the subject. "People will be wondering why we took so long, let's go!" I said running back outside.
Word count: 1446 words

The Unthinkable |tony lopez and nick austin|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن