5th April 2020

3 1 0

so yeah um, this is a nightmare and it involves gory stuff so don't read it if you don't like that sort of stuff

it started with a fight scene at my house and the bad guys were the characters from the pirates of the caribbean movie. there was jack sparrow and his group of people and the guy who had the pet monkey (i can't remember his name lmao). we were fighting them in the lounge/kitchen and i was fighting the guy with the pet monkey. he knocked my weapon out of my hand, then grabbed a small knife and shoved it in underneath my hip bones to the other side where you could see it poking out. he did this with the knife casing on as he had grabbed it from the knife draw in the kitchen. then they all ran away and for some reason i was still alive and was able to walk. then my family came to check everyone was okay and i pulled my jumper over where the knife was sticking out of my hip so they couldn't see it and they never noticed it. the family that was helping us had a talk with us and their son who ended up being a character in a tv series that i'm watching came to me to check if i was okay. i said i was but he was suspicious of my answer. before he left he whispered something to my dad.

then it cut to me being downstairs in the laundry with my cousins and by this point i was sore everywhere and it had been a couple of days since i had that knife logged in me. i was waddling around everywhere and having trouble walking by myself. we were having a family party so that's why my cousins were there. i was blowing bubbles with them and then they went upstairs so i hid and took a look at where the knife was lodged and it was bad. i decided that i had enough of this and was going to pull it out. i pulled the knife which took it out of its casing, but before i could pull the casing out my mum and the family friends son who helped us with the fight came down. i put the knife back in the casing and pulled my jacket over it. mum started getting the washing and the son sat next to me and started talking. mum left and then he confessed that he had a crush on me. i smiles and kissed him and he kissed back, but i winced and pulled away from the kiss. he asked what was wrong and i said i was just in pain at the moment. he got up and said they were serving dinner soon so i waddled inside but once i got to the stairs i stopped as i couldn't really get up them. i lied and said i forgot to grab something so he went upstairs as i went to "grab" it. i got to the bottom of the stairs again and decided i was actually going to pull it out now. i lifted my jumper up and took a better look at it. i was wearing shorts so i could see the outline of the casing underneath my skin. i pulled out the knife and then pulled out the case slowly. i cried quietly and was in so much pain but i watched it as i pulled it out of me. it came out the first half easier but the next half, it was so close to my skin it started to tear my skin away from my body. i was still crying and decided to yank it as it was taking too long, i did this and out came a bloody case and a big chunk of my thigh skin came off with some muscle leaving blood everywhere. my eyes widened as i dropped the case and picked up the piece that fell off my thigh. i started crying as i had made a mess and mum mum was going to kill me and i had just made my leg ten times worse and now i was in even more pain. i went up the stairs as fast as i could trying not to get blood everywhere but that was hard as it was practically pouring from my leg. i got upstairs to find my cousins and their families had left and it was only mine, the sons family and this random fat lady who looked like the maid off two and a half men. they took one glance at me and my dad rushed and picked me up and put me on the kitchen bench. they were all screaming and yelling. the women were crying and my dad rushed downstairs to find the mess i had made. the son (who i'm gonna call boyfriend now) came up and looked at me in shock. he asked what happened and i told him what happened. he was sad that i had lied to him but he pushed those feelings away and picked me up bridal style and took me to the front door where we could hear sirens getting louder. when we got outside there was an ambulance, and many cop cars. they saw me and quickly took me off my boyfriend and loaded me into the ambulance, taking the chunk of thigh i still had in my hand and wrapping up my leg in bandages and giving me a drip. my parents and boyfriend got it cop cars and the cops followed the ambulance to the hospital and that's where my dream ended and i woke up.

this was a fucking weird and graphic and detailed dream. i didn't even know i was capable of dreaming something this graphic

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