5th august 2019

6 1 0

so this dream was a bit choppy but i'll write down the bits i remember:

so the first bit of the dream i woke up lying on my floor and i could feel things crawling in my hair. i rolled over and saw thousands of baby spiders crawling over my wall. i tried to get them out of my hair but i couldn't move my hands for some reason. i think i was having a sleep paralysis in my dream. but i think the sun came up or something happened because they went away and i fell asleep again.
next part of the dream i remember was being at my grandparents house and we were at a family dinner and my cousins had come over from overseas but they brought their new step siblings with them and they were ethan, grayson, and cameron dolan. i didn't know this but grayson thought i was hot and he checked me out every time i was near him. i talked to ethan, grayson and cameron for a bit but i also thought that gray was hot (who wouldn't) and i would check him out also. there were times were we would catch each other staring but nothing happened at that moment. then dinner was served and we all went to get it. during dinner when everyone was eating i excused myself to go to the bathroom and when i came out grayson was there and i went to walk past him but he grabbed my arm and pushed me back in the bathroom and started a make out session with me (kinky😅) that lasted for a bit then we tidied ourselves up and went back out to finish our dinner. my sibling suspected something so she asked what happened between and grayson and i said nothing happened but i don't think she believed me.
there was more to the dream but i don't remember it as i only just realised that i didn't finish writing this dream down. whoops

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