17th september 2018

19 1 0

i was in school and i was sitting with my friends in english class. the dolan twins walked in and started watching movies with us because we were watching movies. they were moving around a lot picking where to sit. at one point ethan went outside and when he came back in he full on kept staring at this girl who was sitting by the door. another movie came on and we were all sitting on the floor and then grayson started dancing and grabbed my friend (keeping anonymous) and they started dancing together. then they sat back down and grayson kept moving closer to me. then the bell when for lunch and we all left.
then we somehow ended up at my old primary school and these birds that circle around people and eat them came and everything went crazy. we were all running to the library but on the way my friend group (also keep anonymous)  all got eaten. i was going to be next but i made it to the library. then a group of boys were just hitting the birds for some reason and not getting eaten. then i found the twins in the computer room and i told them what was happening and then we worked together to get away from the school. there was a suzuki in the dream it was really weird. it nearly ran us over when we were running down a driveway. then we managed to escape the school and didn't get eaten.
then i woke up.

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