Chapter 59

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David's POV ✌✌✌❤❤
Romeo was sound asleep in his bed. He held his pillows closely under his head, each time he'll make a little move hugging the pillow closely. He look so peaceful when sleeping, I haven't noticed it.

I almost lose him yesterday, seeing that animal almost springing on my son made my heart skipped, I just pulled out my gun and fire.

The look of terror on his face was just scary, he is so little, I barely notice it, he acts like a teenager though.

Fortunately the animal didn't hurt him much, just a scratch and some bruises. He is never leaving my sight. It was stupid of him sneaking out like that, we'll be having a discussion when he wakes.

I got up from Romeo's desk chair, where I had spent the night looking after him, too scared he'll run off again.

I made it downstairs pouring a hot tea for myself. Am just glad Gabriella and the kids are with their grandma and knows that Romeo is safe, the house is so quiet, I can hear every sound around.

I stare at the rain still sliding down the window, it was still raining though, after the storm of yesterday.

My phone started buzzing, I slid the icon and pick the call.

"David she is awake, Ruby is out of coma!" Daniel exclaimed.

"Thank God." I sigh in relief.

"What of Ro?"

"I found him, he is currently sleeping."

"What happen?"

"He snuck out and almost got killed by a wolf." I sigh.

"That boy, I'll advice you to cuff him to your wrist."

I let out a chuckle. "Don't tell it to Ruby, she is still fragile."

"She is currently sleeping, we'll have to wait till she wakes up before determining her state, I mean you know about the amnesia cause of the injury on her head."

I suck in a deep breath. "I'll be coming once I drop Romeo."

"Okay." The other links goes blank.

"Ow, dammit!" The little whispers of Romeo caught my attention he was seating on the foot of the stares, rubbing his ankle.

"Why didn't you call me? Your foot is still fragile." I picked him up and drop him on the wooden chair.

I grabbed another cup and pour a tea for him, before handing it to him. "How is your foot?"

"A little bit better," He stares down at the cup. "Sorry about yesterday." He Mumble. "I want us to get over with." He finally look up at me.

I chuckled, "am not punishing you this time, it wasn't your fault actually, you're a kid." I think is my fault, I neglected him a lot and I do realize how much he needed me now.

"So you won't um..  You know." He fidget.

"No I won't." He let out a sigh of relief. "I learnt something from all that mess yesterday, and I want you to know that I don't hate you." I said.

His brows knit together in a frown, "why are are you saying that? Is anything gonna happen to mum?"

"No, nothing will happen to your mother I promise."

"I don't believe you," he said without taking his eyes off the table, "you're doing this just to get close to me so when something happens we can stick together? That's not happening I know you don't like me right from the first sight."

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