Chapter 21

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Romeo's POV

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Camila pressed the controller, her eyes were glue to the screen with a wide grin spread across her lips.

She is so sweet, seeing her happy like this made me some how happy too, they almost ruin her, those son of bitches! Why didn't I kill him how dare him touch my hermana! My sister my treasure! I won't let him get off so easily am not done with him yet.

She has grown I mean more matured and stronger as for her height let's not talk about it, she defended me like a mother would! Though I didn't care if Almighty David hits me or not, I won't die of the pain, would I? I think he doesn't like me much but still I don't care! His love doesn't add anything to my life it leaves me indifferent just like his hate. Am really happy for my hermana she doesn't get bullied anymore and she told me she was competing with the best in her gym class and she doesn't get bullied there either.

I took my hands off the controller intentionally allowing Camila to win.

"Yey! I won! I won! Ahhh!" She was doing her victory dance, making me chuckle.

"Oh no! Not again, I failed." I rolled my eyes.

"Ah ha! I told ya! Am good at games too!" She exclaimed.

This is her first time playing games, I forced her to it, Camila is the type of girl that loves written stuffs and hates action, but now she loves both, it adds to her awesomeness.

"Guys mum called!" Gabriella called out.

I paused the game and turn around to pay attention.

"She said a surprise is coming."

My heart leaped, is it Mama? Is she back?

The door bell rang, Jason went to open.

"Grandma!" He screamed.

"My dear!" Abuela walked in.

"Abuelita!!!" Camila hopped off the couch and embrace her.

I rolled my eyes with a huff. That was mean of her.

"Abuela!" Gaby said and peck her on the cheek.

"Oh my kids you're all grown." She said.

"Yeah, you really miss us!" Jonas said.

"Romeo you won't seat lazily on the couch come say hi to abuela." Gaby said.

"Hi abuela thank you for giving mum that piece of advice," I said sarcastically.

"How is your life here Romeo." She said mockingly in Spanish.

I stood up, "horrible abuela, that was what you wanted! Right?! Why did you even come here?" I said rudely in Spanish.

"Romeo!" Gabriella yelled.

"You can't speak to abuelita like that!" Camila crossed her arms.

"You guys suck!" I said.

"I think your staying here should be prolonged to five more years maybe that way you'll learn respect." She said.

"I knew it was your stupid idea! And you succeeded am miserable here! I hate everything about this place but no one understands that! I can't continue staying here! I'll only get irritated." I jump off the couch grabbed my hoodie and cap and walked out after slamming the door.

I wore my headphones and shove my hands in my pocket. "Luis fonsi." Song was playing.

I don't know how but listening to hot songs makes me feel good. I walk down the street dancing at the beat.

Life is hard but not impossible with Romeo!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora