Chapter 31

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Romeo's POV
Beep! Beep! My alarm went off, I groan while turning around with the pillows over my head. The beeping sound was just annoying, irritating, unbearable!

I reach for it in order to smash it but I stopped, something was different today, what? I cleared my throat, well am HEALED!
That soup was horrible but effective, I grinned. I got out of bed took a shower and dress up.

I wore a khaki short with a brand sleeveless top with a smiley emoji on it.

The fresh smell of cucumber brought me to the kitchen.

"Hey granny! Watcha doing?" I pop on her side.

"Making salad do you like it?" She responded while cutting the legumes.

"Yikes!" I shudder, "I don't like legumes!"

She chuckled, "is nice you'll see."

"Ugh..." I groan quietly, "I prefer spicy food."

"Excess pepper is not good for your health boy."

"Whatever." I blurted and almost regretted it, the spoon was far enough for me to blurt out an apology before she reaches for it.

"Watch your attitude Romeo, I know is difficult but do it for me, do you think I like smacking you? It hurts me to see you flinch every time, but I have to or you won't learn." She look in my eyes, I wanted to look away but I couldn't. What should I say?

"Sorry." I looked at my feet, I've never felt so little before but she was fucking right! Now I felt bad! I've been trying to shove this horrible feeling of guilty since years now and I was doing great till now!

"Is okay." She gave me a side hug. I stay put, I don't know how to react! The last time someone hugged me I push them away, and that someone was mum!

Granny resumed her slice, leaving me frozen. I felt a rush of positive vibes creep in my spine. No way am not letting this get to me!

I shook my head and frown, "I- I will go water the flowers." I left in a hurry.

"Ro!" She called out just before I had the time to run.


"We're having breakfast on the couch. If you want you could help me around instead of hanging around alone." She said.

"Uh.. Yeah." I went by her side. This is so awkward. What is wrong with me? I hope I won't spoil it for her.


My stomach was aching from all the laughter, granny never stop telling stories and insane jokes about people she had met and about David the ones I prefer were about David.

"This is scandalous! Robert said." Granny fake her husband's tone.

"David was like, let me live! You can't hold my freedom dad!" She also imitate David's tone when he was young.

"Then." I blinked, I was so focused.

"Robert was furious an Whooped him." She said with a smile across her lips.

"For so little, he wanted to live his life at fifteen yeah, but he wanted to dance why did his father stop him?"

"Robert is a very strict father, he did all that for David's good. Even though he was very harsh."

Now I know where David got his sternness from, Robert his father! Granny says he was so damn strict.

"There was this one time David wanted to date a girl, her name was Sheila. Do you know why the broke up?"

Life is hard but not impossible with Romeo!Where stories live. Discover now