Chapter 51

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Romeo's POV
"Stop depressing!" Juliet said as she shoved me slightly.

Juliet and I have grown close over the weeks she knows am not a good guy so I don't have to lie to her. She told me how she use to get bullied for her color, only a beast would bully a twelve year old black girl.

"Stop." I grunt while doing a single flip with my rollers skate on.

"You're so good at roller skate." She complimented trying to lighten the mood.

"That's not helping." I groan while spinning.

"Don't depress cause no one was at your game today." She said before doing a one foot spin on her rollers.

"Am not depressing cause of that! I wasn't alone by the way you came." I said blushing a little, thank God she didn't notice it.

"Is okay," she winked.

I wasn't expecting anyone by the way, Gabriella had to drop Camila at her dance competition, the J squares went there after what happened last month I doubt they would like to hang around me, they were trying to sneak out to some fun club but I got them bursted. And they were severely reprimanded. David? Oh please he doesn't even know am on the soccer team, even if he does he would've gone to Camila's anyway. I wasn't surprise by the lack of familiar faces.

"Look that's your trophy!" She took the little fake golden trophy out of my backpack laying on the bench of the skatepark. "They'll be proud of you when the see this and next time I bet the would come." She grinned.

"Oh really, look at that." I pointed to the white sheet sticking out of my bag.

She grabbed it and rolled back to me with a little gasp, "whoa, you have done a lot of progress."

I scoff, "that's for you! I got a fucking D! Is no better than F! Did you see how I failed the answers? He will probably kill me if he saw these, the trophy is shit!" My heart was pounding at the idea of David finding out. I don't know why I am so scared of him, maybe cause he hits and yells at me. I began feeling lightheaded.

"Who he?" Juliet asked.

"My Almighty dad." I did the gestured with my two fingers rolling my eyes in the process.

"You shouldn't be this negative you never know, you've done a lot of progress I think he'll acknowledged that." She said so casually like she actually knew him.

I shook my head, "you don't know him, I rather swallow the paper whole than have him set his eyes on those." I mumbled feeling a little Pound in my head, I attempted a longer spin  but this time I black out for a sec and next thing I saw was Juliet calling my name while tapping my cheek.

"Ow." I hissed now feeling the pain on my knee for the fall.

"Are you okay, you just zone out." She looked straight in my eyes hers full of worry.

"Sorry, that's just , passing out like a girl." I rubbed my forehead while seating up.

"No its not." She reassured me with a hand on my should, I felt a weird wave of emotion shoot through my system and I blinked.

"You're a little warm, I think is time we start heading home." She helps me up.

"Am not going home any time soon, they won't even notice my absence any way why hurry?"

"You speak like your family hates you and neglects you."

"Am not trying to be a Mama's boy but my mother miss me." I rolled to my bag stuffing everything at once before zipping it.

Life is hard but not impossible with Romeo!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant