Chapter 37

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Romeo's POV
Slowly I opened my eyes groaning at the pain that shot through my system.

Have I fallen, down from the bed again?

After squeezing my eyes shut for a long time, I finally opened them hoping to be in my huge room with my huge bed and posters of my favourite celebrities on the wall. To my disappointment I only saw a disgusting stable with straws everywhere poking my skin.

So it wasn't a nightmare huh?

I sigh wincing at the pain that followed on my chest.

I tried to move but my body was too weak for me to move an inched, just like I had a tone of bags of rice pressing me down.

Finally giving up, I closed my eyes and wish the pain could just fade and I'll stop bleeding.


"Give me that!" Greg struggled in his sleep.

I looked around from where I was laying close to Greg and sigh, the loud snoring of Toby is unbearable and the constant toss of Jordan is annoying, with Greg talking in his sleep every two seconds. Just terrible!

If not for them I would've bleed to death, I hate saying this but I owe them one, all that scene happened last two weeks, is been three weeks since am here and I didn't receive any calls nor visit, guess what I don't give a damn. If they truly loved me they would've freak out and come find me, but I know the sad truth. My three weeks living with Crook is hell, he hits me not as much as he did last time but still is abuse, and I have the obsessive intention on making him pay dearly.

He even smash my phone against the wall, I can still hear the sound of my phone shattering on the wall till now, my phone broke along with my heart. No music, nothing. You must be thinking I was foolish for not contacting the cops or anyone, believe me I tried but this ranch is so isolated, no network around here. My phone was useless anyway except for the songs. Even if I had called any member of my family they would've called me a liar. Let's not waste our energy on people that don't care.

I quietly sat up and creep to the window. Such a little window but who says I can't slip through. I opened the window and climbed out, then locking it back so when Mr Crook comes to check if we haven't escaped, he won't notice the open window, that's all he checks by the way, he is so careless. But I swear he'll pay each and every hit he gave me, how? I don't know yet, but my first action towards escape is getting rid of the dogs, on yeah I will.

I sat under the window and inhale sharply, the sky was tainted with gleaming stars, making it beautiful. I've never slept under the stars, am always busy with my tablet, phone, laptop or visual reality. Now I know how much I missed.

"Garry! Jerry! Bob!" The voice of Crook came like an earthquake disturbing my peace, his voice was followed by barks deadly barks. I found myself shaking.

Those doggies can sniff me if they come too close and I don't think they'll be happy to see me here, their resent bite is still fresh, I don't want more.

"Shit, shit!" I muttered in Spanish before making my way to the only shelter available, the stable.

What? you weren't expecting me to go back in there. Were you?

I know am scared of horses but those bad doggies have started coming my way.

I don't have time for a second choice, I just opened any door and creep in, only then did I notice I was hiding under the tall black horse, it did me no good, my heart started beating faster from fear.

When I hear the dog sniffing sound, it beat more faster, pounding hard against my rib cage, I froze, I didn't move an inch, scared the house will freak out and trample me, or the doggies will bit me again. Despite my trial to hold back my breath, I just couldn't my lungs needed air right now, the moment made me anxious.

You could hear the dog sniffing the door, I press myself behind the black horse when they start scratching. Miraculously the horse let out a little whine and stomped it's foot, the dogs had started growling.

"Hey! Get over here! Let the poor horse be." Crook blew his whistle obtaining obedience from the damn doggies.

I let out a sigh of relief after they were gone.

"You saved me boy." I lean my head on the wood feeling tired all of a sudden. Am not quite sure if sleeping around a giant horse was a good idea. Never mind I don't have the choice. Now way in hell am leaving this place! It is a million times better than that little space! Or the dogs with long sharp canines waiting outside.

I just hope that whereever mum is guilty is eating her up raw! And uncle Dan too, as for David I wasn't expecting him to worry about me, I know he doesn't like me, but I bet if he doesn't see Camila for three seconds he will freak out, you call him a father, *scoff* he is a selective son of bitch.

Pretty short and boring, yeah sorry. Am having a headache right now so I can't do much.

Get ready next chapter is the chapter you all have been waiting for! I won't give hints, just get ready!

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