Chapter 50

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Romeo's POV
Today just seem to suck! Starting from yesterday, I had my head stuck in a trash can, guess what Juliet was right I'm in a terrible situation at school, I get bullied seriously and I can't do anything about it, not like they were middle school students, those high school graders finds it funny to put my head in a trash can or lock me in the locker.

Like what happened yesterday wasn't enough, I fell from the bed this morning and hurt my elbow, then my hair won't stay the way I want it, I have to wear a beanie.

I slammed my door shut and stomped to the kitchen.

"Here comes sleeping beauty." Jason mock.

I rolled my eyes before grabbing a bowl and pour cereal for myself. I plop on a seat far away from them pretty aggressively.

"Oh grumpy dwarf is having a grumpy day." Jonas said and they both laughed.

"Will you guys shut your fucking trap and let me eat." I hiss.

"Well, uh, nope." Jonas laughed.

I rolled my eyes.

"Stop rolling your eyes, they'll remain stuck in your skull someday." Jason laughed.

I message my forehead, trying not to explode.

"Hey Ro do you want waffle?" Camila walked in with Gabriella.

"No thanks."


"I told you I don't want any damn waffle, why can't you fucking understand?!" I half yelled obtaining a flinch from her then a pout.

"Hey Ro don't be mean she was just trying to make you smile." Gabriella frown.

"I don't wanna she must understand that, and I think you're spoiling her way too much, she is so fucking clingy."

"Stop it Romeo! You're behaving like some grumpy brat." She said.

"That's your fucking business." I grumbled.

"What did you just say?" She asked in a dangerous tone.

"He just disrespect you Gaby, Mum spoilt him too much, I think dad should spank him more often." Jason said

I found myself throwing my bowl at him.

"Ow!" He yelp when it hit him right in the face fortunately he wasn't bleeding.

"Romeo!" Gaby yelled while going to check on her brother.

"Now you can keep your fucking trap shut!" I grabbed my backpack angrily and slammed the door behind me. I guess I won't need any ride.


"Hey Roy." Juliet said.

"Is Romeo Juliet." I rolled my eyes.

"I call you whatever I want, is my tongue." She said with a smirk.

"Touché using my words against me." I smiled holding my chest.

"So how it is going with Tony's boys?"

"Bad." I sigh, "got my head stuck in a trash can." She laughed earning a glare from me.

"Wow I told you don't look at me like that." She said innocently.

"I'll solve this non sense." 

My locker was slammed shut and a huge shadow towered over us.

"Look Romeo and Juliet." Tony said and his bunch of assholes laughed.

"Ha ha ha, keep laughing disgusting ogre." I spat.

Life is hard but not impossible with Romeo!Where stories live. Discover now