Chapter 41

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"Stop!" I sat up as fast as I can, releasing the breath I have been holding since I don't know when. I wipe the sweats on my forehead and rubbed my face.

"It was just a nightmare, no Mr Crook, no dogs, no stable, no crop, no hits." I mumbled. I allowed myself to fall back on the bed.

I closed my eyes slowly drifting off to sleep when I heard the barks from the neighborhood dogs. I jumped out of bed to my closet, shutting the door. And hugging my knees.

"The dogs are outside they can't come in, and your room is pretty high, no one can come in, you're safe." I spoke to myself while panting.

"What if the neighborhood dogs were huge German dogs and the jump all the way here, and hurt me, or I don't know how but they manage to get in here." I said under my breath.

What the hell is wrong with me?! Why am I here speaking to myself like some freak? Am I running crazy or something?

I can't sleep the nightmares won't let me!

The barking increases and I can here the dogs scratching against lock doors from the sounds of the chains. Maybe I'll just stay here for tonight.

I rest head on the wall, trying to somehow fall asleep. If that is even possible.

The sound in the garden made me jump again. Am I the only one hearing sounds and been alert like some criminal scared of cops? The sound continues.

I found myself opening the door, and heading towards the door of my room with a torch and a bat. I just want you to know I don't wanna do this! Is my feet! They won't just obey.

I successful went to the garden, I switch the torch on, checking around with a strong grip on the bat. My light fell on a small bush shaking. I took some silent steps closer with a firm hold on the bat then I rip it apart about to hit when I saw a small white kitten, licking its bleeding paw.

I sigh. I turn around to leave but the cat meow.

"I swear, I'll regret this." I crouch down beside it and slowly caught it before it could escape. "Hush little car, am trying to help." I grabbed her paw and rip the little thorn obtaining a struggle from her.

"Be still white urm... Ney, Whitney." Great now am naming some cat I just found. I rolled my eyes.

I tore a side of my pjm and wrap it around her paw. I place her gently on the floor and patted her head. "Here you go, all renew, go find your mother if you have any." I got up and left for the swings. Staying outside so late is risky and David can just pull over anytime soon, haven't seen him since I came, important meeting or trip. I don't know and don't care.

My feet are too tired to go back upstairs and I don't wanna.

I felt a tug on my feet, I quickly pulled them to my chest. Before peering at whatever creature did that.

"Dammit!" I reach for the cat with a huff, "why can't you just leave?" I ran my hand on her fur, its so smooth and she is warm. She snuggle close to me, getting all cozy. I wasn't expecting that not at all. She can be bearing some disease or a bug, I don't know. Mum once told me to stay away from street stuffs, you don't know what bug they have.
With how dirty her fur was you'll know she lives on the street. But I'll take the risk, not like I do whatever mum tells me.

Shortly after when the sky was becoming a little brighter she left. I know it like 5: 20 am, I'm use to the sky color.

I walked back to the house.

"Romeo?! What the hell? were you outside all night? Look how dirty your pjm is." Gabriella caught me read handed when I was trying to sneak back in. She was still in her pjm holding a cup of coffee.

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