"We can spend our lives together easily without being married."

"Harry, no. I've always imagined walking down the aisle in a white gown, with my father handing me off. I want a first dance, and a party, and I want to plan it." I tell him sternly. "If you won't marry me, I can easily find someone who wants the same that I do."

"Can we not talk about this right now?"

"Fine." I say, letting go of him. "I'm going to go get something to drink." I say, and walk away, leaving him standing alone on the dance floor.

~Harry's POV~

I'm left in shock as I watch the love of my life slip from my grasp. My hands run through my hair as I sigh, and shake my head.

"Fuck," I mumble to myself and go after her. When I reach the food table, she isn't anywhere to be seen. I head over to the drinks, and the dessert bar, and even the mini bar in the corner and she isn't anywhere to be seen. Where could she even be? I make sure no one is paying attention to me, before I push the double doors open and walk out into the foyer, not like I would care if all the attention is on me anyways. I look to my right and left, before deciding to go straight out of the building.

Sure enough, I see a single woman standing outside, leaning against the railing. Her hair blows freely in the subtle wind, and I can see from where I'm standing, that her head is tilted slightly back, and I know she's staring at the stars and moon in the sky. I take a few steps towards her, until I end up beside her. Her profile is beautiful, and I can't help but stare a little longer. She knows I'm there, I'm sure, but her eyes don't move from the sky. Her wavy brown hair blows gently and eventually, after a few seconds of me admiring her, she looks down at her hands, that are joined together as her forearms rest against the cool metal railing.

"Annabel," I speak, and my voice comes out raspier than intended.


"No, we need to talk about this."

"What is there to talk about, Harry?" She says, and finally looks at me. A bit of her makeup is smudged beneath her eyes, and I can tell that she's been crying.

"This whole marriage deal."

"No, I don't want to discuss this with you right now." She sighs.

"Annabel, please. You don't have to talk, just listen. Okay?" I say, and tilt her chin so she's looking at me. She takes a step back, and my arm falls to my side, getting the hint that she doesn't want to be touched.

"Fine." She whispers softly.

"Okay." I take a deep breath. "I know you've probably grown up thinking you'll get married to your dream guy, and walk down the aisle in a white dress, and I get it. What girl doesn't want that, right? But things can change over time. You met me. That was a change. Did you honestly think we'd ever be together, the first time we met? Probably not, because I was an ass, but look at us now." I say, and take her fingers into my hand.

"We're special. We're unique, Annabel. Our love for each other isn't one you see in the movies, and I like it that way. So, yeah I guess I don't see the point in weddings and shit like that, but what's wrong with it? Why can't we just be together forever, knowing that we can make it, if we have each other? Why do we need a ring to bind that promise together?"

"Harry, you don't get it." She sighs.

"What is there to get?"

"No, trust me. You don't understand. Just forget about it, okay? I'm going back inside." She begins to walk away, before I grab her wrist.

"Annabel, just enlighten me. Tell me what there is to understand, and I'll try to."

"Not now, it's not the right time." She says, and slips out of my hold.

"Annabel, wait!" I call out and she turns, looking tired of all of this. "Listen, if it means that much to you, I'll try to change my outlook on it. But I can't promise you anything." I say.

"No, Harry. You don't have to do anything."

"Come here." I tell her, and she hesitantly takes a step towards me. "I wasn't finished with my whole speech." I mumble.


"Just let me finish." I cut her off, and she nods. "Like I was saying, we don't need a ring, or a wedding, or ceremony to ensure that we'll stay together. We don't need all of that to prove our love. But, if that's what you want, then I'll try and give that to you. Because you're worth it. Because you, are the love of my life, and I'll do anything for you. Absolutely anything. And if marriage is something you want for us in the future, then I'll just have to find a right time and place to propose."

"Are you serious?" She asks, a smile creeping onto her face.

"Dead serious." I say, and she lets out a laugh.

"My God, Harry I love you so much." She says, wrapping her arms around my neck. I lean down and kiss her lips gently, taking in this moment.

"Plus, the idea of you being my wife isn't so bad. The whole marriage thing wasn't really a huge hatred of mine, just a slight one. It'd only be huge if I didn't marry you." I smile, and she lets out a laugh, smiling and shaking her head.

"What would I do without you?" She whispers, and our lips bind again.

"Wanna get out of here?" I mumble against her lips. "Maybe get some real food?"

"Yes, please. I'm starving, and to be honest, I don't want to eat anymore seafood."

"Ugh, me either. I don't think I can handle anymore shrimp for the rest of my life." I tease and she laughs. "Come on, let's go." I slip a hand around her waist, and we walk into the dark of the night.

AH so my friend tweeted about my fanfiction and honestly the amount of reads I've gotten since then is unbelievable and I'd like to thank everyone that took the time out to click the link, and to my friend Kristi!

follow her on Twitter: @cucumbernialll (3 l's)

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