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He waited for the dance to come to an end, and never left my side. We didn't speak a word more, and enjoyed the refreshments. After the dance my brother returned to our spot with Kitty and her friend Elizabeth. While Maleah went off to meet new people.

"The dance has come to an end, now is the time for our proper introduction." He appeared in front of me.

"So it is." I wondered who was going to introduce him, he had been standing alone for the longest time.

"Oh, I see you have already met my brother, your highness." Miss Caravaggio said.

"Your brother?" And then I realised it was Mark, that she was talking about. That explained the lean body figures. "So Mark is your brother, I see."

"Yes, I have met Estella, but we have not been formally introduced."

"Oh kid me not, you are using first names and you say you haven't been introduced. How you humor me!" She chuckled.

It was ironic, how we were using each other's names but had not been introduced. The rules of this society would forever be baffling.

"Your highness, this is my brother Mark Caravaggio." She said when she regained composure.

I smiled at her and returned her brother's grin too. "Elizabeth, if I may?"

"Yes, yes sure, my lady."

"Please call me Estella. If we are to be friends we need to drop the titles." Turning to her brother I said, "Let's meet my brother, shall we?"

The smile on his face abruptly vanished, and returned as quickly as it was wiped, it was as if had imagined its disappearance. "Yes." I led them to my brother who was enjoying refreshments. At the sight of me his expression lit up, but at the sight of the people in my tow his expressions were of curiosity and austereness. As flabbergasted as I was, I made sure my face didn't betray me.

I went to make the introductions but George started, before I could. " Caravaggio."

And Mark returned with an answer as cold, "Noire." Both nodded.

"So you both know each other." My comment, however, went ignored as both men stared at one another, Mark slightly taller than George.

To break the ice, I reminded them that it was time for the next dance. And with that Mark offered his arm which I accepted, but I did not miss George's reproachful gaze.

I knew that there was a conversation that needed to be had.

Mark led me to the dance floor and we stood in front of each other, and danced with the rhythm. Every time we stepped close, we exchanged some words.

"So how are you liking the family, so far?" He asked.

And as candidly as he asked me, I answered, " Very good. Fantastic, actually. They are very nice."

After some more beating about the bush he said, "So, I hear that the Queen returns tomorrow?"

The Queen's itinerary was no one's business, the engagements announced were all the people were expected to mull over. But his question caught me off guard and I told him that she was indeed coming back from Finnotica, the next day.

"Why do you ask though?" I asked him.

"No, nothing really. Wish them safe travels."
We stepped away from each other. And then back towards and I blinked at him, then furrowed my brows.

Then we parted again, and this time the music concluded and we bowed. He offered his arm, to return me to my brother. "I will."

As we walked back, I asked him of his family, "So, how is your family? Is it just you and your sister?"

"No, I have a brother, he is older than me. And Lizzie is the youngest, Mathilde is my oldest sister. My brother is Maximus. And then there are my parents."

"Seems like a wonderful family." With that we reached George, there was no effort made to make small talk. Without any pleasantries exchanged, George said he had someone he would like me to meet, and Mark left, that was the last of him that I saw.

The night came to an end, with tired feet and an aching back we returned. We didn't say nothing more than Good night to eachother before we went our separate ways.

As tired as I was, I slept as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Like I said you guys are amazing!
The reads are now 2.91k and I said I will post a new chapter as soon as this becomes true, so her it is the new chapter. But..
This time I am going to be setting a harder goal. Get me to 3.2k reads and we will have another chapter! (Impossible? No)
Spread the word, the book is alive again!

And don't forget to VOMMENTMEND 

Also, I am curious towards George's behaviour! He is always so suspicious! Are you not?

Comment and share!

Also please tell me what do you think about the chapter?

Now I will leave!

Oh wait a book recommendation..
So I don't know if I have suggested this one before but the very first book I read on Wattpad was HYBRID and sadly I don't know the writer's name.. but I guess you can find it in my reading list called "Completed". That book was legit amazing!

Ok now I am leaving!



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