Just as I was about to pour the shampoo into my hand, Angelo walked in and stole it from me, planting a light kiss on my shoulder as he did so. "Let me do this for you, baby."

He worked the soap into my scalp, massaging my head as he did so.


After our shower (with no sex involved) I made my way into the closet, where I had left a bunch of my stuff when I came to Italy last time.

Since it was really sunny outside, I decided on a pair of jeans shorts with a loose white blouse with the front tucked into my shorts. I pulled on a pair of nude and cork wedges to complete my look and sauntered downstairs, preparing myself to tell finally tell Angelo about our unborn child.

I found him sitting at the head of the table as usual, with a cup of black coffee and his laptop.

I pulled out a chair and sat next to him. He shut his laptop and leaned over to plant a kiss on my cheek. "You look beautiful, angel." He grinned goofily at me, sending shivers down my spine.

I took a deep breath, making myself stay planted in my seat. "Ang, I have to tell you something."

He reached over and squeezed my hand comfortingly, a gesture that melted my heart. "Anything, sweetheart."

"A couple days ago, I was getting really sick and I was throwing up during mornings." I watched concern cross his face before I spoke again. "One time Jas was there, while I was throwing up. She made me take a pregnancy test, and it came out positive."

I shut my eyes before reopening, bracing myself for the worst.

"You're pregnant with my child?" His face was blank, devoid of emotion.

"Yeah." I looked away from his gaze, blinking back tears. What if he didn't want to raise it with me? What if he didn't want anything to do with me or the baby?

"I just have one question." This was it. This was him telling me to get my stuff out of his house and leave. Asking me to leave him and never come back.

"Are we getting married before or after the baby is born?" I snapped up to look into his smiling face, joy spread across his beautiful features.

"You want to keep it?" I blurted out incredulously.

The joy was suddenly absent as hurt was written across his face instead. "Yeah. Don't you?"

I stood up from my seat, climbing into his lap instead, hugging him. "Of course I do. I love you so much, Ang. There's nothing I want more."

"I love you, too, baby." His boyish grin was back as he hugged me tight, kissing me squarely on the lips. "So? Marriage before or after?"
Angelo's POV

I pulled up in a BMW to the front of the fortress that was the Kahn mansion. It was a week after Aria's surprise visit to Italy, and I decided to come to Cali this time and surprise her instead. But, I had a stop to make before I went to see her.

I climbed out of the car, dropping the keys into the hands of the valet as I made the trek up the marble stairs to the entrance. It was about time I had done this, and Aria's pregnancy with my child had given me the final push.

I still couldn't believe it. Happiness swelled in me at the thought of having a little Aria or a little me running around the house.

I was greeted at the door by an elderly butler. "Good morning, Mr. Cavill."

"Hello, Benedict." I greeted him pleasantly, hiding my nervousness.

"The mister and his wife are expecting you. Right this way."

Forever His (Previously You Can't be Serious)Where stories live. Discover now