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Princess Y/N smiled waving to the people of the kingdom. The smile on the people's faces made her delighted. But she felt awful for the people who didn't know how abominable and despondent her life was.

She sighed as her smile drifted away seeing a little child crying. But soon her smile returned as the little girl was embraced by her mother. Y/N wished that she had an adoration and a caring relationship with her parents

The royal family were walking slowly to the castle while (still) waving at their people. "We are really grateful to have a people like you, we love you, if you need anything just ask and we will grant it. Thank you." The king Beamed making the people clap.

Y/N shook her head as she saw her father lie about things that will help out their people. She scoffed at the speech.

Chang-ho, her older brother notices and can't help but agree with his sister but his father wanted a perfect image of them. He gave her a look as she looked at him. She noticed him and sighed as she smiled and nodded.

Obviously it was a fake smile but Chang-ho just didn't want to get his sister in trouble, though they don't have a close relationship with each other. But the king can get a little abusive with his children.

Yeah not everything is like in fairy tales. It was time for the royal family to head inside the castle. Y/N was praying that her father didn't notice her scoff when he was talking to the people.

Y/N was about to walk up the stairs but then she heard her name called by her father. She froze and felt her heart beat so fast. Her younger brother do-hyun sighed as shook his head.

"Y-yes father." Y/N was shaking, she knew that her father was abusive with his children sometime. "I see that you didn't like my speech today." The king started to shuffle around the room.

"I-I'm sorry father." Y/N hung her head low. She felt something hot on her cheeks in a quick speed as a sound of a slap echoed through the room including Y/N's faint scream.

Her brother would have went upstairs but according to the king 'they need to see the punishment so they don't repeat the same mistake.'

"Your dismissed." The king grumbled as he stomped to the living room with the queen. Y/N sighed shivers were heard while she did. Y/N shook her head and rushed upstairs.

She leaned against the door and sobbed silently. She never wanted this royal lifestyle, she never wanted to be a princess with this type lifestyle.

After almost 5 minutes, she shuffled to her closet and opened it. It was almost time for her horse ride. Her mother assigned her and her siblings.

She wore her horse ride uniform and made her way downstairs. "Welcome back your highnesses." The coach bowed to them as they bowed back.

"Don't tire yourself Edward." Chang-ho told the coach since he was in his 40s. "It's okay prince Chang-ho." Coach Edward reassured. "Princess Y/N , you look a little gloomy today my dear." Edward noticed Y/N "Are you okay?" He asked "Don't worry about me coach Edward, how was Ellen ?" Y/N tried to change the subject about his wife who he currently visited yesterday.

"She is doing great, she also said she might move in here." Coach Edward beamed making Y/N smile brightly at his cuteness. "It would be lovely to have her here." Do-hyun spoke making Y/N nod.

"Let's stop chit chatting and get ready for practice." Coach Edwards said. They all made their way to their horses. "Hey Bella." Y/N rode her horse. "How were you?" Y/N asked as the horse neighed. "That good to hear." Y/N smiled.

"So this time we will go in the out again. But be careful never go near the bridge of Valda." Edward Warned Y/N knew about this rule but she never knew it's name til now.

"Valda?" Y/N thought curiously "Whats the story about it?" Y/N asked "Here we never talk about it. Because if we did, we will be no longer be alive. So I can't tell you." Coach Edward said making Y/N. She already has problems she doesn't want to have problems with Coach Edward.

The horses were stomping their way a little far from the kingdom. "So today's lesson. There is no lesson. So you would go on your own and just explore but remember never go across the bridge of Valda. We don't to cause trouble to our Kingdom Corvina." Coach Edward said.

The siblings spilt their own ways and Bella (y/n's horse) was walking towards the bridge without Y/N noticing since she was long lost in her thoughts about the bridge and why does it sound so dangerous that anybody who talks about it may get his life taken away. King's orders.

Finally the princess snapped out of her thought and observed where she was since the scene around her wasn't familiar. But then she noticed the sign 'Don't cross the bridge of Valda.'

"Oh my- Bella!" Y/N sighed as the horse neighed. "It's okay we just have to get out of here." Y/N spoke sadly because the place was magnificent.

It was a bridge surrounded by roses and lilies. The princess admired the view instead of going back where she is supposed to be.

"Pardon?" She heard a faint voice calling she turned around and saw a boy almost her age. Y/N thought what was he doing on the bridge of Valda.

"What are you doing here?" Y/N asked as she tried to make out his figure. He came closer and the princess noticed that he was on a horse.

He came closer and his face was much more clearer. With an icy and frosty manner "I should be the one asking you that."


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