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Beauty unparalleled to the sunlight streaming in. 

A fist made of rings, exposed to the world. 

Misery comes in two forms. 

A disaster and a miracle. 

The fist floats away exposing a tiny creature underneath. 

Poke at the iris, 

the creature floats away. 

Alone in the room, 

you don't know how to feel. 

You stare down, 

all flesh and bone. 

Poke and prod, 

you want to take it all back. 

But you can't. 

You're stuck, 

but you're still mad. 

Unable to comprehend simple feats, 

you look around you and notice a reflection.

It sneers and fights back, 

escaping its glass prison. 

Sitting in front of you, 

the reflection screams. 

Fear and agony exploding from the glass. 

You match the anger, 

and punch ahead. 

When the glass breaks, 

it's only you that you see. 

A game that is played by the only one that can be freed. 

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